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Active Member
Joined: May 16, 2019
Last seen: Apr 27, 2023
Topics: 2 / Replies: 9
Replies: 1
Views: 636
RE: Mid-Term Fed rates

The federal mid term rates are based upon the average market yields of Federal treasury bills having a maturity length falling between 3 and 9 years. ...

4 years ago
RE: yearly distribution amount question

That is a complicated question. Generally, when you compute your 72t there are the three allowable methods: minimum distribution, amortization, and a...

4 years ago
4 years ago
RE: Please confirm

The only restriction that exists is that the interest rate you choose may not exceed 120% of the applicable federal mid term rate for either the month...

4 years ago
RE: Please confirm

Manually computing the amount using the amortization formula , I get the annual amount to be $19,919.51 rounded to the nearest cent. 2020 will be a ...

4 years ago
RE: SEPP using Vanguard forms. Please check calculation.

Worst case, Vanguard will issue you a 1099R marked with code "1" - ('Early distribution, no known exception applies'). If they do this, all you have ...

4 years ago
RE: Determining final distribution year

Your plan ends 07/31/2026. I think you have the choice to take a full annual distribution, a prorated one equal to 1/2 the annual distribution (6...

4 years ago
RE: SEPP using Vanguard forms. Please check calculation.

If you start the payments 01/20/2020, you have chosen the wrong 120% interest rate. You would have to use the just published January 2020 rate (o...

4 years ago
RE: Penalty for breaking 72t plan

I appreciate the response. I should be good for tax withholdings to cover the penalty as I was withholding single-none and also had 25% withholding...

4 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 914