Instructions – Copy all bullets and paste into a new forum post. Address each bullet before submitting your post for best results.
- Date of Birth:
- Age:
- 72t Method:
- Life table:
- Stub Year*:
- Annual Recalc*:
- AFR* Rate:
- Balance(s)*:
Stub year: A stub year refers to your first distribution and the very last distribution. In these 2 cases you can opt to take a partial distribution (stub) or the full year’s distribution.
Annual Recalc: Check yes if you expect to recalculate your distribution amount each year. Required with Minimum Distribution Method, not required with the other methods.
AFR Rate: The interest rate you used (or plan to use) in calculating your distribution amount. There are strict rules on the rates you can use.
Balance(s): Depending on your question, list the separate balances with labels such as Account A, Account B, etc. or list the total of your SEPP IRA Universe.