Forum Rules
We welcome your comments and participation on our website and we hope everyone will have a good (and informative) time. We want to create a safe space for people to ask questions. Anyone can create a new post or reply to a post but be aware that content posted on the site represents the views of the author, not The fact that a post is on the site does not mean endorses the opinions expressed or stands behind its accuracy. We are not responsible for any actions you may take as a result of the posts. We do, however, reserve the right to reject or remove posts that violate the rules, at our sole discretion and without prior notice.
- Make sure you create new posts in the relevant sub-forum
- Respect other users and their privacy.
- DO NOT hijack another member’s posting. Start a new post with your question.
- DO NOT post content unrelated to IRC section 72t.
- DO NOT post spam, adult content, illegal content, automated messages, advertisements, or links to advertising websites.
- DO NOT abuse fellow members, the website administration, or the forum moderator.
- DO NOT make threatening or harassing statements.
- DO NOT use profanity.
- DO NOT re-post copyrighted materials without crediting the source.
Posts violating these rules will be deleted at full discretion of the moderator. Members who continue to violate the rules will be sanctioned.