72t Calculators
Check our work! There are several online calculators that will calculate your annual SEPP distribution amount for you using the 3 allowed methods. You can use one or more of these to verify your results from the 72tNET.com SEPP Distribution Calculator.
WARNING: Be careful – 1) most of the calculators round the answer to the nearest dollar (not recommended). 2) Some calculators allow you to enter two interest rates, one for rate of return and one for distributions, which is confusing. 3) A few calculators let you believe you can choose any “reasonable” interest rate you want. 4) These websites may be slower to update their calculators based on the new Notice 2022-6 guidance from the IRS that was announced in mid-January 2020. Be prepared by first reading the Notice before using the calculators.
You can learn more about the interest rate rules on the 72tNET.com SEPP Planning Pointers page and you can look up the current maximum AFR on the 72tNET.com Applicable Federal Rate Table.
By clicking the links below, you are leaving the 72tNET.com website. 72tNET.com is not responsible for the results you may receive on other websites.
72t Distribution Calculator – Bankrate.com
72t Calculator – IRA distributions without a penalty – CalcXML
c72t Calculator – powered by DST
72(t) Distribution Options – Retirement Calculator – Mortgage Loan