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Active Member
Joined: Aug 21, 2020
Last seen: Sep 7, 2021
Topics: 1 / Replies: 10
RE: New 72t guidance might be coming before year end

@livingthedream After thinking about the comment period I looked into it more. It does seem that there should be one based on what I’ve seen for other...

3 years ago
RE: New 72t guidance might be coming before year end

@livingthedream The attorneys were, not surprisingly, vague. They basically said they could not rule on my PLR because new guidance is coming. When I ...

3 years ago
RE: New 72t guidance might be coming before year end

@livingthedream my plan is keep checkingat least once a month. I’d search for something like “2002-62” (a reference to the current Revenue Ruling guid...

3 years ago
RE: Mid-Term Fed rates

Some good investments over the year plus a big investment in TSLA the summer of 2019 (I thought at the time that I could easily get a 50% return withi...

4 years ago
RE: Mid-Term Fed rates

Using the “4% rule” would be $160,000, which would work out to $308,417 difference over 9.5 years without annual recalculation.

4 years ago
RE: Mid-Term Fed rates

I will be 50 next year when I plan to withdraw. Assuming a 4,000,000 balance a 0.5% rate would allow a maximum of $127,535. The average midterm rate s...

4 years ago
RE: Mid-Term Fed rates

Congress didn’t define the rule of using the fed midterm rate, the IRS made that rule. At the time federal midterm rate was reasonable, now doesn’t se...

4 years ago
RE: Mid-Term Fed rates

It looks like a personal (as apposed to a business) PLR starts at $2800. quoted below from: (4) Reduced user fee for a request for a letter ruling, ...

4 years ago
RE: Mid-Term Fed rates

Congress wouldn’t need to be involved. They defined the law as a “reasonable interest” rate. It was an IRS Rule. Not knowing anything about Private Le...

5 years ago
RE: Mid-Term Fed rates

I was wondering if anyone has ever asked for a Private Letter Ruling on interest rates. The law only requires a “reasonable interest” rate be used in...

5 years ago