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Last seen: Feb 4, 2024
UPDATE --- the October 2023 AFRs are now out and the 120% mid-term AFR jumped to 5.33%. This is a fairly meaningful one month move. Annual impact on...
Pure personal preference: RETIRE COURAGEOUSLY.
Hello Robert: I think we have solved that NUA is not applicable in your circumstance. So, the real issue is the ability to commence unstructure...
DLZ is 100% correct. Actually plans launched 12/31/21 and earlier fall into two groups: Fixed Amortization / Fixed Annuitization --- remain unchang...
I think readers potentially misinterpret how to treat the progression of IRS pronouncements on SEPPs: Notice 89-25; Rev. Rule 2002-62 and now Notice ...
Just a not-so-brief UPDATE: Notice 2022-6 has what I consider to be a material error in it: page 2 .05 " Notice 89-25 ...provides that payments...[ar...
I fundamentally agree with DLZ. Saves me the typing. If you bust #3 you will owe the 10% surtax only on the actual distributions you took ...
Hello All: This is "thebadger". My real name is William J. Stecker; the original author of "A Practical Guide To Substantially Equal Periodic Payment...