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L1: 1099r
Hi – I just submitted my request to Vanguard for my first payment (9/1/62 dob) first payment march 20 on 798,000k) the vanguard rep said that he has to submit a form 1099 r that states I am receiving an early distribution subject to penalties. Is this true? Is this simply addressed by my filing the 5329 with my taxes?
I believe this is the case but just confirming. Thanks.
2018-03-19 23:42, By: chelsea, IP: []

L2: 1099r
Correct. No custodian will know if you have other IRA’s, and if your calculations are correct. And I don’t blame them for not believing what anyone tells them. They only know about the amount of the distribution from them.
2018-03-19 23:50, By: dlzallestaxes, IP: []

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