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Actual Interest Rates

L1: Actual Interest RatesI am 55 andpreparing for my second annual 72t Dec. distribution utilizing the annuitization method. Today I inserted 5, 6, and 7% actual interest rateswhich resulted in theindentical distribution computation amount. Are these figures accurate and how does actual interest rates effect the distribution amount?
Thank you in advance for any advice.
Bob Y.2004-10-25 14:09, By: Bob, IP: []

L2: Actual Interest RatesI just entered 7, 5 and 2 as interest rates and received different payment amounts for each rate.
BTW – if you started your SEPP last year, why are you recalculating the paymentthis year? And the interest rates that you mention are also higher than allowed for a new plan.2004-10-25 14:15, By: Gfw, IP: []

L2: Actual Interest RatesYou may also want to check the HELP file on the calculator page.2004-10-25 14:24, By: Gfw, IP: []

L2: Actual Interest RatesDear Bob,
On the calculator there are 2 places with interest rates. The first, “reasonable interest rate” will affect your distribution amount. The second “actual investment rate” will affect your ending balance each year.2004-10-27 07:06, By: virgo, IP: []

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