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Client wants to blow up a current 72T and begin again

L1: Client wants to blow up a current 72T and begin againI have a client with (2) 72T plans currently in effect. He is considering removing the smaller of the two from 72T staus and wishes to begin with hopefully a larger distribution. His plan has a surrenderamount of $140,00. He began the distributions in June 2009 with a balance of $137.596. His currently distribution is $536.00 monthly. He has received $6320 annually for 3 years so I assume his penalty will be $632 x 3 = $1896.00. Is this correct. I further assume that it is impossible for him to receive a higher amount due to the lower interest rate environment. Is it even possible to discontinue a 72T plan and pay the penalty then immediately start a new 72T plan if assuming the interest rate environment was such that someone could begin receiving higher distributions from an increase in the interest calculation?
Mark2012-09-18 17:12, By: Mark S., IP: []

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