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disbursing and moving funds within a SEPP/72t

L1: disbursing and moving funds within a SEPP/72t
I have an IRA that i will use to I set up my SEPP/72t in about a year. I will be 52 at that time.
This IRA consists of bonds and equity mutual funds and a money market fund.
-When the SEPP is set up and begins disbursements to me, do i get to decide which IRA funds they come from? I may want the disbursements to come from bonds for a while, then equities later, e.g.
-While a 72t/SEPP is active, can i move money from one fund to another? Not adding addl money but simply moving existing money from within the 72t/SEPP from equity funds to bond funds, e.g.
2018-02-15 16:21, By: Earlier, IP: []

L2: disbursing and moving funds within a SEPP/72t
1) You can not transfer money into the SEPP account once it has started paying SEPP payments.
2) You can not transfer money out, other than the SEPP payment.
3) You can do all the trading you want inside the SEPP account.
2018-02-15 16:30, By: sm98, IP: []

L3: disbursing and moving funds within a SEPP/72t
You decide what assets to convert to cash for distribution from the SEPP account.
2018-02-15 16:32, By: sm98, IP: []

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