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SEPP date of payment change

L1: SEPP date of payment changeI started a SEPP withdrawl from my IRA this year . Iset it up as a once a year payout and would like to change to a twice a year payout,ie. 1/2 of amount in Jan.,1/2 in July. MyIRA custodian does not know if this will “bust” the SEPP(MRD calculation) and I will incur the 10 % penality.
Any suggestions on where I can get the info I need. The IRS website confuses me !
Anyone out there that can help I appreciate your assistance.2004-11-11 04:34, By: flaflamingo, IP: []

L2: SEPP date of payment changeHello flamingo:
Go ahead. Intra-year frequency of distributions does not matter as long as the sum of all distributions during the year total to the correct number.
2004-11-11 07:10, By: TheBadger, IP: []

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