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1099-r codes

L1: 1099-r codesmy sep-ira custodian says they will code 1099-r box 7 with the code 20. this web site mentions code 2 requires no paperwork be filed with irs. a code 1 or no code in box 7, necessitates filing form 5329 withirs doesanyone know if code 20 requires filing a form 5329? thanks for any info. 2006-03-24 08:36, By: chuck, IP: []
L2: 1099-r codesHi Chuck – my initial guess is that you misunderstood what they said – they probably said ‘2’ and not ’20’. However, getting a code of 2 doesn’t guarantee anything – you should still maintain good documentation just as if they were giving you a code of ‘1’.2006-03-24 10:10, By: Gfw, IP: []

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