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Timing Of PLR

L1: Timing Of PLRIf I do annual recalculation on my SEPP using the correct method and happened to get audited by the IRS, can I then get a PLR to prove my case for annual recalculation? Or would I be subjected to the 10% penalty and have to start my SEPP plan over and wait for the PLR so that I can do annual recalculation. It appears the price to get a PLR is greater than 3K. Is their something I can do on my own to obtain a PLR at less cost?
ThanksJoe2005-08-10 22:16, By: Joe, IP: []

L2: Timing Of PLRThere have been a sufficient number of PLRs issued on the subject recalculation that you shouldn’t need one as long as the plan you implement follows the patterns outlined in the PLRs that were issued. Just keep good documentation relative to the plan design, plan assumptions and as the plan progresses, the transactions.2005-08-11 04:09, By: Gfw, IP: []

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