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total payments/final payment

L1: total payments/final paymentfacts:age 57 on july 1 2009. annual payment is $1. payments start july 1 2009. if the 2009 payment is $1, is the required series $1 in 2010,$1 in 2011,$1 in $2012 and $1 in 2013 with nothing in 2014 until after July 1? if the 2009 payment is $.50 does this then push $.50 into the first half of 2014?2009-07-29 17:13, By: richard, IP: []
L2: total payments/final paymentNot sure that I totally understand your question, but the plan must last for 5-years until 06/30/2014. During that time frame, total distributions must equal the total annual withdrawal times 5 or in your case $5.
Regardless of how you take the withdrawals, the first payment modification date is 07/01/2014. Use the calculator at the link below. 17:56, By: Gfw, IP: []

L3: total payments/final paymenti think you answered my question. i was not sure if the 2014 payment could/must be such that @sum(2009…2014)=5. you are saying it is. further we are saying that the payment p(assuming for simplicitya single payment in each year)in any calendar year t is such thatp cannot exceed 1.are we also saying that p=1 for all years other than t=1 or t=6. in other words can p<1 only for t=1 or t=6?2009-07-29 19:38, By: richard, IP: [] L4: total payments/final paymentThe payment (assuming a level payment plan) must be no more and no less than the calculated annual distribution. Assume a variance of less than $0.50 on the calculated annual distribution - regardless of whether it is $1 or $100,000. BTW... in the future it would be easier for eveyone on this board if your questions had a lot less symbolism and a lot more reality. 2009-07-29 19:53, By: Gfw, IP: [] L2: total payments/final paymentAsk me a stupid question, and I'll give you a stupid answer. First, if you have so little in your IRA that your annual payment is $ 1, then you should liquidate the IRA because the taxes would be negligible. Second, if you can't trust this forum with realistic figures, then why bother us with your nonsense. Third, since this same question has been answered hundreds of times, you should learn how to do a search. Fourth, have you considered all alternative sources of funds so that you can avoid tying up your IRA for 5 years, when you could have flexibility of more or less after 59 1/2 if you could just get thru the next 2 1/2 years ?2009-07-29 18:54, By: dlzallestaxes, IP: [] L3: total payments/final paymentLet me take a stab at what he is asking ex thesymbols. 2009 is his first stub year and if he elects to start in July with 50% of his annual, how does this affect the 2014 stub year requirement? What it means is that in 2014, he must take a minimum of 50% of the annual so that he will have distributed the 60 month minimum. By taking 50% the first year, the option of taking -0- in 2014 is eliminated. The plan modification date is the same either way, ie. 5 years plus a couple days after the date of the 7/09 initial distribution. The only variable here is the minimum that must come out in the first 6 months of 2014.2009-07-29 22:49, By: Alan S., IP: []

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