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My trustee slipped up

L1: My trustee slipped upI have been receiving SEPP payments for almost 2 1/2 years and until this month everything was going like a finely tuned engine. Every 8th of the month my distribution would be deducted from my account and deposited into my bank account. That is until this month. Seeing that my distribution had not been entered after a few days, I called the trustee and they made a manual entry to achieve the payment. Well, as you might guess, a day later the automatic payment was also made. After talking to the trustee again, I have instructed them to skip the October distribution and then resume the payments again in November. After this is all successfully completed I will document the circumstances.
My question is simply, have I done everything adequately to keep the IRS at bay should they question anything?I realize that another option I can still exercise is to return the distribution within 60 days but this would involve a few additional steps than the tact I have taken so far.2005-09-15 16:17, By: John, IP: []

L2: My trustee slipped upI really don’t see where you have a problem – jsut make sure that at the end of the year, you have taken the annual amount – no more and no less.
Check out the taxpayer also missed – makes for good reading.
Good luck!
2005-09-15 17:00, By: Gfw, IP: []

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