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Forum Mail

L1: Forum MailThanks for your reply, much to think about! Question, I have three funds acashfund and twomutual funds the est. figures I gave came from aFidelity Advisor using the Oct/Nov 120% mid term rate of 5.09 est$13,000.00 per year for 5 years this amt is aportion of my entire funds. I am single, head of household this would be my only incomeand would be the only income unless I decide to work part time within the 5 years.I have no other itemized deductions other then my mortgage interest at the end of the year. I like whatTheBadger said in his 11/1/2005 posting how true that statement is… I will press on for information and get some-what educated on this subjectbefore I make a final decision. Thanks again my friend!2005-11-06 17:31, By: Diana911, IP: []

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