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December AFR

L1: December AFRDecember, 2012… 120% Mid-Term = 1.14%, Applicable Federal Rates for 72(t) and 72(q) distributions. ClickHERE2012-11-21 13:22, By: Gfw, IP: []
L2: December AFRWhy isn’t January max rate 1.14% instead of 1.07%? I don’t understand why it is 1.07%2012-11-21 23:11, By: jdz, IP: []

L3: December AFRThe max rate for January, 2013 plans IS 1.14%. You may have been looking at an entry before it updated.2012-11-21 23:56, By: Alan S, IP: []

L3: December AFRAlan’s post is right on.
The IRS takes anywhere from 18 to 26 days to publish the new rate. When we publish the rate, it generally takes about a day to make it through the system/website.2012-11-22 00:02, By: Gfw, IP: []

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