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Annual payment that exceeds life expectancy

L1: Annual payment that exceeds life expectancyI just completed using your website to do calculations for a 50 year old female with a 44 year old spouse, who wants to start a 72T distribution now, based on life expectancy. Her life expectancy is 34.2 years. The minimum distrib. method dictates a monthly withdrawal of $322,92 (option1).The amortization method dictates a withdrawal of $539.69 per month (option 2) and the annuitization method dictates a withdrawal of $537.31 (option 3)per month.
My question is this – If we want to use option 1, the minimum distribution method; can we withdraw an even $400 per month, rather than the required $322.92 and still be in compliance? In other words, I want to withdraw more than the minimum requirement under Life expectancy, minimum distrib. method
Thank you, Barbara2003-10-14 15:25, By: Barbara, IP: []

L2: Annual payment that exceeds life expectancyUnfortunately, the answer is no. For purposes of a SEPP plan, the minimum also becomes the maximum. Think about splitting the IRA account into multiple accounts and implementing a SEPP that creates $400/month – easy to do using the Reverse Calculator.
2003-10-14 16:05, By: Gfw, IP: []

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