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Sepp withdrawals form Trad IRA and separate roth IRA

L1: Sepp withdrawals form Trad IRA and separate roth IRA
Ok I have been asking questions about setting up my SEPP from IRA, I got Most of that !
It just occurred to me that Next Year when I am receiving the max from my SEPP IRA
I have a separate Roth IRA that all the money went in after TAX. Its 5k I want to give my daughter at graduation. There has been substantial Growth over 40% while in IRA I believe its a roth. Its a separate account from my retirement account .
So is taking out this 5k next year or even year after going to mess up my SEPP I am 54
I am not doing SEPP till 2019 so I can still take it out this year buts its making more money in that fund then in a bank account.
thanks for your Help Pete
2018-12-17 21:55, By: High Tech Red Neck, IP: [2601:588:8400:3c0:8ca0:d18e:ab65:b92f]

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