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1st year Distribution

L1: 1st year DistributionIs it common to take a parcel distribution the first year? I don’t want to cause any Red Flags from the start. Annual Dist. divided by 12 X number oy months till Dec 31st. my example start plan feb. $ 26192.33 annual divided by 12 months = $ 2182.69 multiplied by 11 months equall $24009.63 first year payment. year 2 would be 26192.33 and years after till satisfyingrule 72t
thanks RB2013-01-25 15:56, By: RB, IP: []

L2: 1st year DistributionRB…
It isn’t un-common to take a partial distribution, it is really your choice and based on what meets your needs the best.2013-01-25 16:09, By: Gfw, IP: []

L3: 1st year Distribution1. It is often worthwhile to take the full year’s distribution, to create a buffer/safety amount to set aside in case it’s needed later in the year, or in future years.
2. Consider your tax situation as well as cash needs.2013-01-25 21:54, By: dlzallestaxes, IP: []

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