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72t calculation

L1: 72t calculationPotential client has a 72t already in place with another advisor. Advisor told client he doesn”t have any documentation on file (either lying or a terriable advisor). The client only has an e-mail from a lawyer that reads:
(Yes, Jim this is the client you told me to leave a lone a while back but for some reason she won”t leave. So if she won”t leave then I have to try and help her to the best that I can.)
Dear xxxxxx,
As you requested this email is to confirm that based on her account balance of $280,141, her age 52, and the calculation rules of Revenue Ruling 2002-62, the highest level monthly amount she could start to take without penalty tax is $1,507…,assuming generally that she continues to receive this level amount until she reaches 59 1/2. Please feel free to share this email with her or her advisors.
xxx xxxx, JD
My question is based on the above amounts the interest rate that they are using seems to be about 6.46%.(1507 *12= 18,084… 18,084 / 280,141=6.46)
But looking back at the previous AFR”s in 2003 the highest rate they could have used is 3.89%(3/1/03) Am I missing something?
I have the year end statements of 2003,2004,and 2005 showing when the first distrbution was made from each fund and I have the 1099-R forms for 2005 with code 2. The actual distributions seem to be in order but im afraid the $ amount of the distrubions is wrong.
Using 3.89% the highest amount I am figuring that could be received is $15,605.87 with amorit. method
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

2006-05-23 13:29, By: Nick, IP: []

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