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4.94% time frame

L1: 4.94% time frameI know time is running out for the 4.94% rate, would I have to get my first payment by Sept. 30. or just have the paper work completed to start a SEPP by the 30thfor the 4.94%?2004-09-09 16:13, By: knownothing, IP: []
L2: 4.94% time frameThe date of the 1st distribution rules.
For the exact definition look in the left menu for Rev.Rul.2002-62 and the definition of the interest rate.2004-09-09 16:19, By: Gfw, IP: []

L2: 4.94% time frameMy broker/retirement expert says “No problem” starting a SEPP & getting my first payment by the end of the month, we’ll see. Thanks2004-09-09 16:46, By: knownothing, IP: []

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