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divorce,QDRO and 72t help!

L1: divorce,QDRO and 72t help!I am a financial professional helping a client who is receiving a SEPP.
He started in March of 1999 ,he used the amortization method, his account has fallen dramatically and he has just received a divorce decree dividing his IRA. He is 60.
Question ,can he modify his payment during the last year of this SEPP to reflect the balance after being divided,still using the amortization method or must he continue to take the same amount that he has taken exhausting his account?
The IRS website is no help.There doesn’t appear to be a provision for this problem .Is the solution to go to the one shot RMD?
Ps your site is excellent!2004-03-22 06:12, By: bob, IP: []

L2: divorce,QDRO and 72t help!Hello Bob:
Your client retains all three choices:
(1) simply continue as before.
(2) switch to the RMD method for 2004
(3) ratably reduce ghe 2004 distribution based on the percentage division of the IRA caused by the QDRO.
2004-03-22 06:52, By: TheBadger, IP: []

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