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account management

L1: account managementTO: Badger
I read a posted message about a gentleman who manages his own retirement account. I have recently signed a separation agreement with my company for “special retirement”. My last date to work is July of 2004. I would like some information/advise on the advantages of managing my own account- other than the obvious – avoiding the advisor fees. I agree with you, I just don’t like the idea of having to give up 2% of my account balance to an advisor. That’s money I would like to have to spend myself. I KNOW I don’t have the investment “expertise” of an ADVISOR; but that fee adds up to a lot of money.
I will be 48, when I retire with an account of approzimately $500,000. HELP!2003-10-29 18:30, By: Freddy, IP: []

L2: account managementHello Freddy:
I think investing knowledge is acquired over time; often years. However, I also think anyone can become pretty proficient at the process by spending a couple hundred dollars at the book store; subscribing to a couple of magazines; attending a couple of seminars — all intended to become more knowledgable as well as to discover what kind of investor you are or will become.
Actually, for free, modestly priced, trial subscriptions, stuff at the library, etc. there is actually too much data & information out there; you just need to looking for it & start weeding through the information to find what fits for you.

2003-10-29 18:48, By: TheBadger, IP: []

L2: account management Freddy-I have specialized in 72t distibutions since 1993,both in terms of having the amount which can be drawn calculated by a firm which guarentees compliance with the IRS rules and in terms of investing the funds in accounts which have no load or fees. Call 800-682-7294 if you want to talk. 2003-10-30 09:40, By: squirt, IP: []

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