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72T TRansfer

L1: 72T TRansfer

once a 72t accounthas been established can itbe transferred from one annuity to another or one brokerage firm to another prior to the end of the 5 years or age 59 1/2 ?2003-09-17 17:14, By: KP, IP: []

L2: 72T TRansferHelloKP
I am transfering 700,000.00 from 2 different accounts into one 72t IRA. According to the IRA / Annuity company, this is allowable as long as the pay out remains the same for the remainder of the 5 years. I am interested in what others think
Pla2003-09-17 19:08, By: Pla, IP: []

L2: 72T TRansferOk, as long as both IRA accounts were used in the initial SEPP calculations and the payment was calculated using the combined balances. Otherwise, you will break the SEPP and owe a few dollars in penalties and past due interest.2003-09-18 16:07, By: Gfw, IP: []

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