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401k/ira/double payment

L1: 401k/ira/double paymentcan i initiate 72t this month based on 12/31/04 balance, take the distribution for this year and then take another annual distribution in Jan. 06 thereby getting two 100% annual distributions within two months? Thanks2005-12-05 10:31, By: michaelt, IP: []
L2: 401k/ira/double paymentThere shouldn’t be a problem if the 12/31/04 values represents a reasonable value of the plan.
You’ll receive a 1099 for 2005 and a 1099 for 2006. Remember, you are only avoiding the 10% penalty, not the income tax. 2005-12-06 04:40, By: Gfw, IP: []

L2: 401k/ira/double paymenttest 22005-12-12 10:27, By: Test, IP: []

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