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Auto Rounding of IRA balance for calc

L1: Auto Rounding of IRA balance for calcI am setting up my second 72t. 1st one was done a year ago. I requested my custodian to move $700k (like kind transfer) into a new IRA to use for my second SEPP. The amt actually transferred was 699,999.92. So, I reran my numbers using the exact balance transferred, but the results page from the calculator show a rounded balance of 700k. When I did my first SEPP for 360,162.14, the calculator usedthis number as is. How should I handle this?
Date of birth: 3/11/1959
Expected distriubtion date: 12/23/2013
Thank you,
CEW2013-12-20 15:17, By: cwalker, IP: []

L2: Auto Rounding of IRA balance for calcif doing the amortization method and you are familiar with MS excel, you can do the =PMT function, then plug in the interest rate (i.e. 0.0xxx), life expectancy, and dollar amount (change it out 2 decimal places). This should give you what you are looking for. Or if you are feeling adverturous, there’s always the pencil and paper method for the math people. Cheers.2013-12-20 16:17, By: brkr12002, IP: []

L2: Auto Rounding of IRA balance for calcIt was only rounding the results on the screen. I just changed the output to show the cents.2013-12-20 16:18, By: Gfw, IP: []

L3: Auto Rounding of IRA balance for calcThank you.2013-12-20 18:56, By: cwalker, IP: []

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