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calc pre 2002 ruling for amortization method

L1: calc pre 2002 ruling for amortization method which life table is used for the pre 2002 ruling calculations, I’ve taken over an IRA for a client that has been managed under this method.2013-01-07 17:38, By: Steve, IP: []
L2: calc pre 2002 ruling for amortization method Pre 2002-62 plans used the UP 1984 mortality table, but there was interest rate flexibility as well. The client has no logical choice at this point to continuing the same annual distribution they have been taking unless they want to make the one time switch to the RMD method for 2013. If so, they can use the current Pub 590 single life table to determine the 2013 SEPP distribution.
2013-01-07 23:31, By: Alan S, IP: []

L3: calc pre 2002 ruling for amortization method Pre 2002-62, most any mortality table and a reasonable interest rate (typically 120% of the lon term AFR) could be used.
Just prior to 2002-62, the 1983a table was about the most common. 2002-62 gave us a new table – what we refer to on this site as the annuity 2003 table.
Backing into existing payments without the original docmentation could be quite impossible.2013-01-07 23:39, By: Gfw, IP: []

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