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FYI… Moving Web Hosts

L1: FYI… Moving Web HostsOver the next few days, I am going to migrate the website from the current host to a new host. This movecould take up to 48 hours to complete. During the move, there may be a few hickups, but it may also be 100% transparentand you won’t know that it is taking place. During the move, the forum will continue to operate and no posts should be lost as we are not changing the database server at this time.2010-06-11 18:35, By: Gfw, IP: []
L2: FYI… Moving Web HostsPhase 1 of the move is now complete.2010-06-12 13:33, By: Gfw, IP: []

L3: FYI… Moving Web HostsThe database has been moved and the transition is nowcomplete. Thank you for your patience.2010-06-12 21:42, By: Gfw, IP: []

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