Start Here
- 72t
- 72T Election Not Made by Advisor
- Advisor''s Liability for Errors
- break 72T with a withdrawl
- Breaking 72T after age 59 1/2 but before 5 years?
- Broken 72T? Is a penalty due in this situation?
- certification
- Distribution methods
- earliest possible modification date
- Earning from Fixed Income Funds
- Help! Repost from Email
- Is a 72T Right For Me?
- My trustee slipped up
- Other ways for pre 59.5 income
- Pension Lump Sum - IRA - SEPP B4 Age 59-1/2 = penalty???
- Restarting 72 payment
- Rolling from 1 IRA to another after SEPP started
- Schwab rep told me this today
- SEPP 72T
- SEPP Distribution to Romania
- SEPP error in distribution amount
- T Rowe Price 72t Expertise
- to 72t or not
- Show Remaining Articles ( 9 ) Collapse Articles
- 1099-R error by IRA custodian
- 72(t) transfer to new custodian
- 72t
- 72T - SEPP
- 72t Account transfer to new custodian
- 72t and change of custodian
- 72T Changing IRA Custodians
- 72t Custodian Change
- 72t Custodian mistake
- 72t custodian?
- 72t distribution error by custodian
- 72t paperwork
- account management
- Amoritzation fussy math from Fidelity
- Any problem with using two custodians when one will check the exception box and the other won't?
- Best Broker to Goto
- Change in plan or custodian due to a corp. bankrup
- Change of custodian last year of SEPP
- change of custodians
- Change of custodians for 72t
- Changing accounts within same custodian
- Changing custodians & affect to 72t
- Changing Custodians 401K to IRA
- Congress has the best plan!
- custodian change
- Custodian Changes
- Custodian Error
- Custodian Error
- Custodian refuses to continue 72t payments
- Custodian Transfered too much
- Do I have to fill out any forms to start a 72t?
- Do you have to notify custodian
- Does Changing Custodians Mid-year Cause Any Problem
- Effect of change of custodian on SEPP
- Ending my SEPP
- Fidelity dodges my question
- I am concerned about a 72t related answer I received from my custodian
- Informing Custodian of SEPP
- IRA custodians that code 1099r correctly
- is it ok to change ira custodian of sepp ira?
- more questions
- Multiple Custodians of IRA
- Mutual Fund Company Recommendations
- new 72t custodian, .01 pm difference in taxes
- OK to Change IRA Custodian Midstream into a 72t?
- payment date too soon
- Penalty Notice
- pro rating sepp
- Pymt from 2 custodians for one SEPP
- Question about Custodians
- Reallocation to new custodian
- Rolling from 1 IRA to another after SEPP started
- Self-administered vs. custodian-administered SEPP
- SEPP error in distribution amount
- SEPP IRA Distribution Error
- Setting up new SEPP (T Rowe Price)
- Split Custodian
- Split custodians and withdrawls
- Split custodians and withdrawls
- submitting 72(t) plan to IRA custodian
- switched custodian/missed 1 month distrib.
- Switching Custodians
- Switching Custodians
- T Rowe Price 72t Expertise
- The use of proffesional 72 services...has anyone
- Transfer 72t plan to another custodian and changed to RMD
- Transfer of existing sepp acount to another custodian
- Transfering partial IRA funds to another custodian
- transferring an IRA to new custodian while 72(t) i
- Vanguard Fidelity
- withdrawal dates
- Written arrangement required between taxpayer and plan custodian?
- Show Remaining Articles ( 59 ) Collapse Articles
- Q. Are the online SEPP calculators accurate?
- Q. Are there any IRS filing requirements?
- Q. Assuming the 5-Year rule, when can payments be modified?
- Q. Can a Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) be included?
- Q. Can a portion of an IRA account be excluded from the calculations?
- Q. Can distributions be made monthly?
- Q. Can I recalculate my Life Expectancy using the Amortization or Annuity Methods?
- Q. Can I vary the plan payments by my account balance?
- Q. Do all IRA accounts have to be combined to determine the amount of the distribution?
- Q. Does anyone know of any actual cases where someone accidentally broke their 72t and were caught by the IRS? What were the actual penalty percentages? Do they ever give someone a break and let them fix it if possible? Do they ever waive the penalties and interest? If someone was taking 72t withdrawals for 7 years and then switched to the MD method and calculated wrong and withdrew $100 too much would the IRS actually charge $100,000 if that was what the interest and penalties would come to?
- Q. How are my non-deductible contributions treated?
- Q. How do I report a broken SEPP?
- Q. How is my age calculated?
- Q. I have a SEPP and have been re-employed and have earned income. Can I make a contribution to an IRA?
- Q. I have a SEPP that used one of my two IRA accounts, can I set up a second SEPP with the other account?
- Q. If I get divorced and transfer a portion of the payments to my ex-spouse, will I loose the exemption from the 10% penalty tax?
- Q. If I include more than one account, which accounts do I use to make the payments?
- Q. If the 10% penalty is $2,000, can your tax be lower than $2,000 if you had enough deductions??
- Q. Is tax withholding mandatory?
- Q. Once started, can I change the payment?
- Q. Once started, how long must I continue the plan?
- Q. What about IRC Section 72(q) for Non-Qualified Tax-Deferred Annuities?
- Q. What account balance should be used?
- Q. What documentation should be maintained for a SEPP plan?
- Q. What exactly is the "federal mid-term rate" Can you tell me where this interest rate comes from?
- Q. What if I die or become disabled?
- Q. What if I run out of money?
- Q. What is a Private Letter Ruling?
- Q. What is the Age 55 Exception to the 10% penalty?
- Q. What is the Definition of Disability for 72(t)??
- Q. What is the maximum interest rate that can be used?
- Q. Which Mortality Tables can be used?
- Show Remaining Articles ( 18 ) Collapse Articles
- 401 (k) vs IRA
- 60 day "loan"
- 60 day withdraw
- 60 day withdrawal
- 72 t
- 72 t distributions
- 72(t)
- 72[t] monthly distribution election
- 72T
- 72t
- 72t
- 72t
- 72t Amortization not enough
- 72t at 59 1/2
- 72t cancelation
- 72t distributions
- 72T questions
- 72t regardless of after tax funds
- A little help...
- About this Forum and your Postings
- Am I Eligible For A Sepp Plan ?
- am I too young to start my 72t
- Amount needed to Allocate to SEPP
- annual set up
- Annual/Monthly Distribution Gotcha?
- Any reason not to 72T?
- Auto Mfg Buyout Issues
- Bank missed monthly distibution
- basic question
- Can I setup a SEPP after a IRA has been established for 3 years
- Can you take more than 72t rate??
- Chances of running out of money during a 72t
- Choosing a custodian, Investment Rate, Combining IRA's
- Client wants to blow up a current 72T and begin again
- Comments welcome
- Correct Use of This Forum
- Cost of 72T
- Dividends
- dividends
- Do I select multiple funds from my Vanguard account for the disbursement?
- Do I Understand This Correctly?
- early retirement
- Early Retirement
- Early retirement use of IRA and later a Non-Qualif
- esop distribution
- explain prorating for distributions for 8 months the first calendar yeat
- Financial Advice
- Financial Advice
- First Steps
- For Discussion... What plan would I design if I were to start a SEPP today?
- Forum Mail
- Forum Mail
- Gidget8313
- How do I get started
- how to avoid as much penalties as possible
- How to I set up a 72t
- Investment Management Fees in a 72t IRA
- IRS Pub 590 Release Date
- Is this info true?
- Long Duration?
- Making a SEPP Distribution with Securities vs. Cash
- Minimum age to begin a SEPP under 72t
- More than Minimum SEPP Withdrawal
- My 401k plan doesn't allow for substantially equal periodic payments.
- My Opinion On Advice Vs. My Opinion
- Obama - allow withdrawl 15% of IRA w/o penalty?
- other IRA''s ok to touch
- ought to be a better way
- P.L 114-26
- Pension
- Planning for my 72t
- Possible Work After Retiremtne
- reasonable cost for assistance setting up 72t
- Reputable Financial Advisor
- Restarting a 72(t)
- Reverse 72t Calc
- Self prepared 72t v.CPA prepared
- SEPP plan and "separation from service"
- SEPP Program Risk Management
- Setting up 72T plan
- Should I take the 72(t)
- Simplified Needs Test
- Start new plan
- starting 72t
- Starting a SEPP
- Starting a SEPP question
- starting and ending a 72t
- Steps to ute 72T
- Taking a SEPP from an IRA at a discount broker
- Timing of Starting 72T Distributions
- Top 20 Questions To Ask Yourself
- using 72T SEPP withdrawals for as income for a loan
- What is the definition of Substantially Equal Periodic Payments?
- where to start
- Who Should You Hire?
- Why the 1/2 anyway?
- Wisdom of 72T for us
- Withdraw SEPP Distribution from a Cash Account Clarification
- Working while taking 72t
- Show Remaining Articles ( 86 ) Collapse Articles
- 72 t
- 72t
- 72t
- 72T / IRA distribution
- 72t and social security disabiltiy
- 72T annual distributions
- 72T distribution
- 72T in AUGUST-2011
- 72t invested in multiple mutual fund families
- 72t Modification
- 72T Question
- account value
- add money to 72(t) account, then withdraw later?
- Another 72(t) ending question.
- Another Question
- Beneficiary
- Can I work backwards
- Client wants to blow up a current 72T and begin again
- Contribution to IRA while Taking 72t distribution
- Deposits After Establishing 72t...
- Disabled and want to cash out
- Distribution of money in 72t Question
- Do I qualify for an SEPP ?
- Fees?
- Getting more out of a SEPP
- How do I deal with FIT
- IRA can't cover 72t distribution
- IRA legal Assets
- Is 72t plan money considered "income" under ObamaCare?
- Need Help Setting up 72t
- Now reading Plan Pointers - here's my situation - points where i should focus?
- Problem
- Projection of MD Method versus Amortization Method
- question
- Question on 72T
- Question regarding amount of 72t withdrawal using Amortization Method
- Question(s) on when a broken 72T should/must be reported.
- reporting penalty
- Rounding
- Rounding of monthly distribution
- SEPP and Earned Income
- sepp annual pmt. date
- SEPP Custodial account
- Sepp Custodial Account
- Sepp Date vs IRA Value Date
- SEPP IRA account and 'other' IRA Account
- SEPP Monthly Distributions
- Start SEPP in January after modifying IRA
- Starting a SEPP
- Starting plan in April
- Starting SEP later than January
- suggestions
- Switching from monthly to annual disbursements
- Taking a lump sum after starting 72T withdrawals
- Tranfering money to an HSA
- Trouble in retirement paradise
- Value used for 72T sepp plan
- Varying withdrawals from different IRAs in a SEPP
- What is meant by "brokerage Custodial Account"
- What valuation to use?
- where to move my ira
- Will I be able?
- Withdrawal options for other reasons during SEPP
- Show Remaining Articles ( 52 ) Collapse Articles
- 72(t)
- 72(t) distribution requirements and how to fund
- 72t distribution, load,redemption fees effect
- 72T - IRA
- 72T - SEPP
- 72t at 40?
- 72t investment
- Best Broker to Goto
- Bond fund for a 72T
- Buying Rental Property with a 72t
- Buying/selling within SEPP IRA
- cds as 72t investment tool
- Changing 72T investments
- Changing IRA portfolio investment mix when under a 72t distribution
- Doubting the stock answers
- Ending the plan
- equities in ira
- Fund allocation question for Badger and Gfw....
- how to invest for 72t
- investments within IRA
- IRA Account
- IRA Investment Options
- IRA severe hit
- Managing ira with CD and other accounts.
- Overdraw
- problem
- Ready to pull the trigger!
- Retire at 40
- Rolling from 1 IRA to another after SEPP started
- SEPP at Vanguard
- SEPP Funding Technique
- SEPP setup at a CU
- setting up a 72t account
- Some Basic Questions
- starting a 72-t
- stock market outlook
- Thank You
- Thank you!
- thinking about changing my IRAs in SEPP universe
- Trading within a SEPP-established IRA
- types of investment vehicles for 72(t)
- Vangaurd brokerage account for SEPP
- what to do
- where to begin
- Writing calls while taking 72(t) distributions
- Show Remaining Articles ( 31 ) Collapse Articles
SEPP Planning
- "Reasonable" Balance date and splitting IRA's
- "Substantial Equal Period Payments"?
- # of 72t"s
- $180 over calculation
- 120% of Fed Mid-Term in SEPP Calculation?
- 1984 Mortality Table Calculator
- 2002-62
- 2002-62
- 2002-62
- 2002-62 @ 56 months
- 2002-62 @ 56 months
- 2002-62 Calculation
- 2002-62 RMD Modifications
- 2009 Inflation adjustments
- 2009 RMD
- 2nd distribution
- 2nd Distribution
- 2nd Year of SEPP
- 4.94% time frame
- 4% Rule and SEPP 72t
- 47 to early to retire??
- 5 year period
- 5 year redo payment method
- 5 year requirement
- 5 year SEPP, How is five years determined
- 5 yr term certain
- 5-Year Pro-Rated SEPP
- 51 year old wanting to start SEPP
- 72 t calculation help
- 72 T Distribution
- 72-T Annual Recalculation
- 72-t IRA rcalculation
- 72-t One Time Change Calculation
- 72(t) - when can I start distribution?
- 72(t) amortization method with recalculation
- 72(t) Bust Calculation
- 72(t) Calculation
- 72(t) Calculation Method Switch Question
- 72(t) Cash value vs Income Value
- 72(t) distributions above calculated minimum
- 72(t) RMD
- 72(T) Withdrawals
- 72(t)- Requrired Min. Distribution
- 72(t)(q) RMD method
- 72t
- 72t
- 72t
- 72T
- 72t
- 72T
- 72T
- 72t
- 72T
- 72t
- 72t - ending distribution & calculations - 2 c
- 72t - multiple IRA's
- 72T - RMD foul-up
- 72t Account Balance
- 72t and rmd
- 72t at 40?
- 72t based on revised annual account balance
- 72t calc
- 72t calculation
- 72t calculation
- 72t calculation
- 72t calculation
- 72t calculation
- 72t calculation amount
- 72t calculation confusion
- 72t calculations
- 72t calculations
- 72t calculations - grateful for input
- 72T Calculator
- 72t Calculator
- 72T calculator
- 72t Calculator
- 72t Calculator
- 72t calculator question
- 72t Calculator Question
- 72t Calculator using Monthly Rate for the AFR
- 72t Calculators Give Different Totals
- 72t can you use split the IRAs but use the total for calculation?
- 72t distibutions fluctuate
- 72T Distribution
- 72t distribution amount
- 72t distribution decrease
- 72t distributions
- 72t distributions
- 72t distributions calculation
- 72t distributions from multiple IRAs
- 72t for multiple IRA''s
- 72t funds exhausted
- 72t ira
- 72t IRA distributions
- 72t IRA Running on Empty
- 72t minimum distribution method
- 72t monthly calculations
- 72t on 635k
- 72t or gov bonds for income?
- 72t plan to start in March 2017
- 72t Planning
- 72t question
- 72t rate to use and balances
- 72t Recalculation
- 72t recalculation
- 72T recalculation
- 72T Recalculation
- 72t Recalculation Date
- 72t Required Min Distribution Method rules and IRS filings
- 72T Scenarios
- 72t split distribution
- 72t start balance
- 72t starting balance
- 72T withdrawal in midyear
- 72t-- is it this easy?
- 72t, can I choose the amount I want?
- 72t, do I have to recalculate every year?
- 72t, using a one time change in calculation
- 72T's using the RMD method in 2009
- 72t/Trust Beneficiary/Aggregation
- 8% withdraw on 72T eating away balance
- 89-25 vs 2002-62
- a few questions
- A little help...
- About to Start New 72(t)
- Acceptable IRA Value for SEPP Calculation?
- Account Balance
- Account balance
- Account balance
- Account balance
- Account Balance
- Account Balance
- account balance
- Account balance
- Account balance
- Account Balance
- Account Balance
- Account Balance
- Account Balance
- Account Balance
- Account Balance
- Account balance
- Account balance and joint calculations
- Account Balance Date
- Account balance dwindles
- Account Balance Figuring
- Account balance for amortization calculation
- Account Balance for Calculation
- Account Balance for SEPP Calculation
- account balance question
- Account Balance Start Date
- Account balance to be used
- Account balance to use
- account balance-future contribution
- account balances
- Account balances to use
- Account value to use for 72(t) calculation
- Account value when starting SEPP
- Accounts used for total calculation
- acct balance
- addition to account balance
- Adjustment for inflation.
- Advantage of receiving first distribution
- Age 59 1/2
- Age at Set Up
- age calculation
- age factor in calculation and sepp mandatory payme
- Age for starting 72t
- Age to use for SEPP
- Age/Balance annual recalculations Question
- Am I understanding minimum distribution correctly?
- Amoritzation fussy math from Fidelity
- amortizarion and joint life
- amortization calculations
- amortization question and referral question
- Amortization v. Annuitization
- amount less than rate allows
- Amount needed to Allocate to SEPP
- Amount of monthly distribution
- annual distribution i choose the amount
- Annual Distribution Terminology
- Annual payment that exceeds life expectancy
- Annual payout
- Annual Re-Calculation
- Annual re-calculation dates.
- Annual recalculation
- Annual Recalculation
- Annual Recalculation
- Annual Recalculation Is Back With A Vengance
- Annual Recalculation Revisted
- Annual recalculation using amortization method
- Annual vs Monthly Distributions
- annually recalculated amortization plan
- Annuitization charts
- Annuitization Method
- Annuitization Method
- Annuitization Method
- annuitization of contract
- Annuity method
- Show Remaining Articles ( 185 ) Collapse Articles
- 3rd SEPP distribution timing
- 72 T
- 72 t periods
- 72(t) annual withdrawal dates
- 72t distribution schedule
- 72t Sepp distribution timing
- 72t SEPP Payment Dates
- 72T timing
- 72T withdrawal in midyear
- Annual 72t distribution timing
- annual distribution
- Annual Distribution Timing
- Annual Distributions
- Annual Distributions
- Annual SEPP distribution date
- Annual vs. monthly vs. xx payments
- Are Multiple withdrawals allowed within each of the 5 years
- Calendar vs. fiscal year
- changing annual payment date
- changing date of 72t distribution
- Changing frequency of distribution
- Changing frequency of payments
- Clarification please
- Distribution 1x per year
- Distribution date question
- Distribution Dates
- Distributions by amortization
- Ending my SEPP
- equal distributions
- Establish new plan/changing dist frequency
- First and Second SEPP Distributions
- Frequency of Dispursements
- frequency of payments
- Irregular Payment Frequency & Documentation
- Is switching the distribution frequency a modifica
- Lump Sum Distribution after taking Systematic Peri
- mid term rate and payment dates
- Mid year distribution too much taken out
- Monthly distribution if I use the 72t method
- Monthly distributions
- Monthly Distributions
- monthly equal periodic payments vs annual
- Monthly or Yearly?
- Monthly Payment under Amortization Method
- Monthly vs. Annual - Semantics or Not?
- Monthly vs. Annual Distributions
- must payment dates be exact?
- New 72t
- New Amortization SEPP
- Preferrable Distribution Frequency
- pro rating sepp
- QTR Distributions
- quarterly distribution
- quarterly distributions
- Quaterly Withdrawals
- Question on distributions
- Questions
- Restarting 72 payment
- Sepp distribution timing
- Starting 72T
- starting 72t mid-year
- stub payments/fiscal vs. calender
- timing of 72T distributions
- Timing of 72t withdrawal
- Timing of annual distribution
- Timing of Annual SEPP withdrawal
- Timing of distribution
- timing of distribution
- Timing of Distribution
- Timing of Distribution
- Timing of Distributions
- Timing of payments
- Timing of SEEP Plan
- Timing of withdrawal
- timing of withdrawals
- Withdrawal Frequency
- Show Remaining Articles ( 63 ) Collapse Articles
- 72t distribution method
- amortized method
- Annual recalc with amortization method
- Annuity vs Amortizing
- Choosing Distribution Method
- Fixed Amortization Method
- Minimum Distribution Method
- Repayment of SEPP prior to 59 1/2
- Required Minimum versus Amortized and Annuitized
- Sonny's comment....
- Stop or changing 72t before 59 1/2
- Suplemental Income until Social Security (age 62)
- switching to Minimum Distribution Method
- Timing is Everything
- 4 SEPP Questions
- 72t
- 72t at 40?
- 72t delayed withdrawls
- 72t dist
- 72t distribution amount
- 72t distributions
- 72t plan
- 72t question
- 72T withdrawal in midyear
- About starting a SEPP with an IRA and I have already taken distributions early
- additional withdrawals
- Ammoritization method, off 8 cents annually with monthly distort.
- date 72t starts
- disbursing and moving funds within a SEPP/72t
- distributions under 72t
- early distribution while still employed
- effective date of distribution
- Ending my SEPP
- Fidelity 72(t)
- how many young folks are taking advantage of 72t?
- IRA reduction
- over payment from sepp
- Requirements for starting the SEPP
- Retire at 40
- sepp
- SEPP Amount Too High
- SEPP and return to work
- SEPP plus earned income
- SEPP plus earned income
- Some Basic Questions
- Starting a 72(t) for 2010
- Taking out additional funds by setting up new IRA
- Thank You
- The Kitsap2 thread
- Too late for this year?
- Using a cash account
- which $ to use 1st?
- Why not round?
- Withdraw after tax contributions before starting the SEPP?
- withdrawal dates
- Withdrawal schedule
- withdrawal taken on wrong date
- Show Remaining Articles ( 29 ) Collapse Articles
- 59 1/2 SEPP Amount
- 72 t, 5 years, additional withdrawal at 60
- 72(t) and age 59 1/2
- 72t and normal distribution from the same IRA
- 72t distribution rules
- 72t distributions and S.S. benifits
- 72t or withdrawal
- A little help...
- after sepp has ended
- After the sepp plan ends
- Age 59 1/2
- Age 59 1/2 question.......
- Change dist amt when 72t ends
- discontinuing distributions
- Distributions after 59 1/2
- End of the 72t term
- Ending SEPP
- Five Year End date for equal payments
- Good or Bad Idea?
- Happy Half Birthday!
- increasing distribution after 59 1/2
- my 2 SEPP plans --- checking "end of plan" dates
- Question on distributions
- Question, please
- SEPS and Addtional withdrawals at age 59-1/2
- Social Security Strategy
- taking a regular distribution after the last 72t distribution
- Taking money out of IRA in the same year after plan ends
- Turning 59 1/2 while taking 72T
- what are my future 72t options having now surpassed the 5 yr/59.5 rule...
- what happens after 59.5
- Withdrawing IRA funds in addition to SEPP payment
- Show Remaining Articles ( 17 ) Collapse Articles
- 1st year disbursement
- 1st year Distibrution
- 1st year Distribution
- 1st year of 72t
- 1st yr dstrbtion?
- 72(t) distributions
- 72t
- 72t distribution
- 72t distribution schedule
- 72T distributions
- 72T first year adjustment
- 72T payments in first year
- 72T withdrawal in midyear
- About starting a SEPP with an IRA and I have already taken distributions early
- Adjusting SEPP Amount in First Year
- Amount of first withdrawal
- Annual Distribution Terminology
- Beginning year disbursement required
- Commence Distributions
- Distribution
- Distribution amount for partial year
- First year catch-up
- first year distribution
- First year of 72(t)
- full distribution in first year?
- Guidance for how to take annual distributions
- intial year of SEPP
- IRS filing requirements
- Is a Stub Year allowed?
- June 30 SEPP start date
- Partial disbursal options
- Pro-rated first/last yr vs. full annual distribution
- Proration question, plus more.
- SEPP Distribution in First Year
- SEPP Early Withdrawal
- SEPP New Withdrawals
- SEPP starting date
- Starting 72T
- Starting date
- Starting distributions February 2019 / 11 months left
- Starting of 72t
- stub payments/fiscal vs. calender
- stub years/pro-rate first & last years
- Taking full annual distribution if starting 72t payment later in the year
- Thank You
- Timing of Distributions
- Timing of distributions - Calendar year/pro-rata question
- Too late for this year?
- When 72t plan begins = Distribution
- When to start 72T
- which $ to use 1st?
- Show Remaining Articles ( 37 ) Collapse Articles
- "Mid-Term" Index
- 120% fed rate
- 120% mid term
- 120% Mid-Term Applicable Federal Rates Question
- 120% Midterm AFR
- 120% of mid term
- 120% of the mid term rate
- 120% rate
- 120% Rate
- 120% rate Fouling my Plans!
- 120%of rate
- 2 moths preceding and Working again after sepp starts.
- 3.60% rate
- 3.60% rate
- 30 year bonds
- 72(t) rate
- 72(t) Reasonable Intrest Rate
- 72(t)(q) minimum interest rates
- 72t
- 72t
- 72t - interest rates
- 72t 120% rate falling
- 72t distribution
- 72t interest
- 72T Interest Rate
- 72t interest rate
- 72t interest rate incorrect and multiple withdrawals in yr
- 72T interest rates
- 72t interest rates
- 72t interest rates
- 72t intrest rates changes
- 72T Penalty and IRS Interest Charges
- A "Reasonable" Interest Rate
- Acceptable Federal Rate Variability
- Actual Interest Rates
- Actual Investment Rates
- Additional Questions / Clarification on SEPP PLan
- AFR - Yearly Distribution vs. Monthly Distributio
- AFR Dates
- AFRs
- AFRs for April
- Allowable interest rate and beneficiary
- Amount of Payout
- Annual interest
- Annual Interest Rate vs Actual Interest Rate
- Another Question About What Interest Rate to Use
- ANY rate below the 120% of mid-term fed
- Applicable Federal Rate
- Applicable Federal Rate Determination
- Applicable Federal Rate Information
- Applicable Federal Rates
- Applicable Federal Rates for May
- April 120% Interest Rate
- April 120% Mid-Term Posted
- April 120% Mid-Term Rate
- April 2012 120% Rate
- April AFR
- April Interest Rate
- April SEPP Rate
- April SEPP Rate
- AUG2017 120 mid term rate
- August 120% AFR
- August 120% Mid-Term Rate
- August 120% MT/AFR
- August AFR
- August AFR
- August Interest Rate
- August SEPP Rate
- Basic question - 120% sepp rates
- Beginning a 72t
- Breaking a SEPP... what interest rate do I use for the penalty?
- Can I use an interest rate below the max allowed to come up with a withdrawal am
- Changing your reasonable interset rate annually
- Checking 72t Plan
- December 120% Mid-Term AFR = 4.97%
- December 120% Rate
- December 120% Rate
- December 120% SEPP Rate
- December AFR
- December Interest Rate
- December Interest Rate
- December Interest Rate
- December SEPP Rate
- December SEPP Rate
- December, 2014... 120% Mid-Term
- distribution schedules and interest rates
- Estimated Interest Rate
- Estimated mid-term interest rate
- February 120% Mid-Term Rate
- February 2012 120% Mid-Term Rate
- February 2018 SEPP Rate
- February AFR Posted
- February Interest Rate
- February SEPP Rate
- February SEPP Rate
- Federal Mid Term Rate when using the Required Minimum Distribution Method
- Federal Mid-Term interest rates
- Federal Midterm Rates
- Finding the 72(t)(q) rates on IRS site
- Fyi... Interest Rates
- GATT /30 year bond ratet
- highest possible interest rate
- How can I track the mid-term rate?
- How can we project June''s AFR Rate?
- how is the midterm federal interest rate calculate
- How to change interest rate if I already started my 72t SEPP?
- I believe the July 2018 SEPP Rate is out = 3.45%
- i,r.s. penalty interest rate
- increase to 120% in first year
- interest of amortization method
- Interest Rate
- interest rate
- interest rate
- Interest rate
- interest rate
- Interest Rate
- interest rate
- interest rate
- interest rate
- Interest Rate
- interest rate
- interest rate
- Interest Rate
- Interest Rate
- Interest Rate Confusion
- interest rate for either of the previous two month
- Interest Rate for SEPP beginning in July
- Interest rate publish date
- Interest rate to use
- interest rate window
- Interest rate?
- Interest Rates
- Interest rates
- Interest Rates
- Interest Rates
- interest rates
- interest rates
- Interest rates
- Interest Rates
- interest rates
- interest rates
- Interest rates
- Interest Rates
- Interest Rates
- Interest Rates
- Interest rates a year from now...any guesses
- Interest rates for May
- Interest rates for SEPP 72T
- Interest rates on previous distributions
- Interesting article touching on Sepps....
- IRS 2002-62 Impact on Maximum SEPP Update Question
- IRS Penalty Interest Rate
- IRS Penalty Interest Rate
- IRS Penalty Interest Rate
- IRS Rate
- January 120% AFR
- January 120% Mid-Term
- January 2011 rate?
- January Interest Rate
- January Interest Rate
- January, 2013... 120% Mid-Term
- January, 2018 SEPP Rate
- July 120% AFR
- July AFR
- July Interest Rate
- July Interest Rate
- July SEPP Rate
- June 120% Mid-term Rate
- June 120% Mid-Term Rate
- June AFR
- June Interest Rate
- June Interest Rate
- June Interest Rate
- June SEPP Interest Rate
- June SEPP Rate
- Latest midterm rate
- Latest to lock 120% MT Rate?
- Less than maximum SEPP interest rate
- Life expectancy and interest rates
- long term interest rate
- low 72T interest...my idea to get around it
- Low 72t rates
- Low Treasury Rates
- Lower Interest Rate Possible?
- Lower than 120% Interest Rate usage
- March 120% AFR
- March 120% AFR
- March 120% Interest Rate
- March 120% Rate
- March 2008 120% Rate
- March AFR and Missing Posts
- March Interest Rate
- March Interest Rate
- March SEPP Rate
- March SEPP Rate
- March SEPP Rate
- Max interest rate
- Maximum interest allowed for ammoritization method
- Show Remaining Articles ( 185 ) Collapse Articles
- 5 year distribution and 59 1/2
- 5 Year Provision
- 5 Year Requirement
- 5 year rule
- 5 Year Rule
- 5 year rule
- 5 year rule
- 5 year rule - need payment tax year six?
- 5 year rule vs 5 annual payments
- 5 Year Withdrawal
- 5 years or 59.5???
- 5-Year Rule
- 59 1/2
- 59 1/2 last withdrawal query
- 59.5 age
- 59.5 this year
- 72(q) Distributions
- 72(t) and age 59 1/2
- 72T - 5 Year Ending Date
- 72t and 59 1/2 obtainment
- 72t distribution schedule
- 72T Distributions
- 72t final reqired distribution when turning 59 1/2
- 72T last distribution
- 72t lump sum payout before last payment date
- 72t/SEPP
- Age 59 1/2
- Age 59 in November of 2012
- Age 59.5 Final Distribution
- Attaining 59 1/2 issue
- available options in year when turning 59 1/2
- Back end of SEPP
- Can I stop my SEPP payments after 5 years with no penalties?
- checking before changing annual withdrawal
- Cite for final stub year options?
- clarification of 5 year/59 1/2 and distribution fr
- clarify paymt. modification date / last paymt.
- completion of term
- Confirming Wind-down plan
- Confusion about last 72t Payment
- date to end 72t
- Distribution Options
- Distribution options in last year of SEPP
- Double Check Final Distribution
- early distribution from last employer''s plan af
- Early IRA distribution
- End 72t Distributions
- End date of 72t
- End of 5 year payout
- End of 5 years and 591/2
- End of 72t
- End of 72T Distribution
- end of 72t review
- End of Sepp
- End of SEPP question
- End SEPP
- ending 72t
- Ending 72T distribution
- Ending a 72t
- Ending a 72T at 59 1/2
- Ending my SEPP
- Ending SEPP distributions
- Ending SEPP with Fidelity
- Ending SEPP's under 72t
- Existing Plan Ending In 2016
- Failure to make a final distribution in Dec 06
- final year distribution
- Final 72(t) Distribution
- Final 72t Distribution
- final 72t distribution requirement
- Final Annual Distribution Timing
- Final distribution
- final distribution
- Final Distribution Confusion - followup!
- Final Distribution Confusion!
- Final Distribution Date
- Final distribution in year you turn 59.5
- Final payment
- Final SEPP Distribution
- Final SEPP year distribution - ?s/confirmation
- final stub year
- final stub year paranoia
- Final Year
- final year distribution
- final year distribution
- final year of 72t
- Final year of SEPP
- Final year rollover
- Finally pulling the trigger
- Finally ready to end 72T
- Five Year End date for equal payments
- Five year rule
- follow up ?
- Gracefully Ending SEPP Distributions
- How Many Distributions??
- How many payments?
- IRA Distributions After 72(t) Has Ended
- Last 6 months before modification date.
- last distibution
- Last Distribution Date
- Last distribution payment
- Last distribution payment
- Last Draw for 72t
- Last monthly SEPP payment
- Last payment
- last payment
- Last payment
- Last payment
- Last payment question
- Last payment question
- last payment required age 59.5
- last year of 72t-Conflicting info
- last year of plan
- last year of plan
- Last year of SEPP
- last year options
- Last Year Payment
- last year payout
- last year withdrawl amount
- losses for last year on my IRA
- Modification Date???
- Monthly distributions in final year of SEPP
- more questions
- my 2 SEPP plans --- checking "end of plan" dates
- My Existing 72t Will End Next Year
- not sure last year of SEPP was handled properlly
- Options in final year
- plan end
- Planning Ahead for End of SEPP
- pro-rating final distribution?
- Question on SEPP distribution
- remaining payments
- Required distribution year turn 59 1/2
- safe ending date
- SEPP distribution and age 59.5 distribution
- SEPP end date
- SEPP Final Countdown
- Stop 72t distributions and begin regular Anuity payments for retirement
- Stopping 72t
- Stopping 72t distribution
- Stopping my SEPP without penalty...
- Stub year Question.
- terminating a life distribution
- Terminating a SEPP
- The year you turn 59 /12
- total payments/final payment
- Turning 59 1/2 while taking 72T
- Understanding last payment date
- what are my future 72t options having now surpassed the 5 yr/59.5 rule...
- What happens at the end of 72T plan
- What to do in the last year?
- whats left after 5 years?
- When Does Age 59 1/2 Begin?
- When does my plan end?
- When I turn 59 1/2
- When is my last SEPP withdrawl?
- When must the 72(t) distributions be completed?
- When to stop required withdrawals
- Why the 1/2 anyway?
- year turn 59 1/2, when to stop distributions
- Yet another stub year question
- Show Remaining Articles ( 147 ) Collapse Articles
- 2 72t accounts?
- 2 additional SEPP/72t questions
- 2 IRA''s
- 2 IRA''s another question
- 2 IRA's or 1
- 2 ira's, 72T, RMD
- 2 IRA"s, Early withdrawal penelties
- 2 IRAs - I SEPP & 1 IRA (if took out a pre 59
- 2 IRAs -1 SEPP
- 72 T Question
- 72t
- 72t
- 72t - Multiple sources for IRA ?
- 72T and reaching 59.5 and withdrawing from other I
- 72t from 2 seperate IRA"s
- 72t SEPP
- 72t with a Separate Account platform
- 72T withdrawals
- accounts
- Additional IRA distribution alongside a SEPP?
- Are contributions to separate IRA''s restricted
- Base Principal Amount vs. Account Actual Net Worth
- Can I have 3 separate annuities, but SEPP from only 1?
- can you take out less?
- Combine Accts
- Combined accounts amounts?
- CPA newbie or ?
- creating separate accounts at one institution ok?
- distribution
- Distributions from non-SEPP account
- Effect of drawing from different IRA
- Handling Potential Excess Income
- Limit on # of 72t IRA''s?
- more then one 72t
- Muliple IRAs and SEPP
- Multiple 72(t)s allowed?
- multiple 72t
- Multiple 72t accounts
- Multiple 72T Accounts
- Multiple 72t Distributions
- Multiple 72t distributions
- Multiple accounts / SEP
- Pension cashout, rollover after starting SEPP
- Possible Mistake or broken sepp
- Post 72t
- Recalc based on rollover from qualified plan
- Rolling from 1 IRA to another after SEPP started
- Roth IRA withdrawal during SEPP IRA Same year
- separate accounts
- separate accounts
- separate IRA''s
- Separating IRA's
- Separation of $$ amount out of an IRA for 72t dist
- Seperate IRA''s
- seperating 72t ira's
- SEPP distribution and age 59.5 distribution
- SEPP involving multiple accounts
- SEPP setup at a CU
- SEPP Universe
- Sepp withdrawals form Trad IRA and separate roth IRA
- Set up new IRA in existing SEPP universe?
- Some Basic Questions
- Source of distribution
- split IRAs
- two accounts
- Two IRA plans - Traditional and Roth - How to
- Two IRAS, two brokers
- Vangaurd brokerage account for SEPP
- various accounts
- withdrawals
- Show Remaining Articles ( 56 ) Collapse Articles
- 72t
- 72T & IRS
- 72T has ended
- 72t paperwork
- Do I have to fill out any forms to start a 72t?
- Documentation
- IRS reporting of SEPP
- Scenario (not our client) - Repost from Email
- sepp
- SEPP Documentation
- SEPP paperwork
- SEPP Universe Documentation
- Starting 72(t)
- substantiated documentation
- who is suppose to inform the IRS what figures they use
- 72 t investment
- 72(t)
- 72(t)
- 72t
- 72t
- 72t
- 72T
- 72t
- 72t
- 72t distribution
- 72T mid term rate
- 72t year end
- A little help...
- Additional withdrawls from 72t
- Calendar year?
- Can I take more?
- can you take out less?
- Checking 72t Plan
- Cost of Living
- Earned Income ?
- For Discussion... What plan would I design if I were to start a SEPP today?
- Fundamental ???
- If you begin 72t withdrawals from an IRA, can you take additional distributions
- Is this correct process to execute a SEPP?
- Is this correct?
- money for a car loan
- More questions
- New 72t - Questions regarding setting up the 72t
- Newbie questions.....
- One Time Dist during 72t payout
- Our SEPP
- procedures to start a72t
- Retirement-how soon
- Separation of $$ amount out of an IRA for 72t dist
- sepp (72t) newbie
- Sepp Distribution
- SEPP Duration Question
- setting up 72t
- starting a 72-t
- Starting a 72t
- starting out
- Steps for 72 (t) Transaction
- T72
- Taking a SEPP from an IRA at a discount broker
- trying to use distribution to help reduce mortage
- Valuation date for SEPP
- Working while taking 72t
- Show Remaining Articles ( 32 ) Collapse Articles
SEPP Maintenance
- 5 year rule when switching financial institutions on 72t
- 72 (t) transfer
- 72 t
- 72 t account transfers
- 72-t partial transfer of IRA - prorating distribut
- 72-T Question - Partial IRA transfer
- 72-T trustee to trustee transfers
- 72(t) Transfer of Assets
- 72t
- 72t
- 72T - IRA
- 72t accounts
- 72t ira transfer to another brokerage
- 72t Partial Transfer
- 72t transfer
- 72T TRansfer
- 72t uncertainties
- 72t withdrawal
- Account Split
- Bonds in IRA's
- Can I make additional withdrawals after starting?
- Changing 72T method and transferring IRA
- Changing Financial Advisors
- Changing IRA Administrator
- Changing payout date on 72t
- Changing Trustees
- Combining 72t IRAs
- contribution to IRA after SEPP distribution
- Conversion to Brokerage Account
- Does direct transfer to new IRA disqualify?
- Does transfer of IRA account to another broker bus
- ESOP transfer
- fund transfer from Traditional IRA to 457 Plan
- in-kind xfers between 2 IRAs within one SEPP
- IRA funds transfer sanity check
- IRA Rollover penalties?
- IRA to Health Savings Account (HSA) Transfer
- ira transfer
- IRA Transfer
- IRA Transfer Question - 72t
- IRA transfers
- IRA Transfers with 72(t) Schedules
- IRS reg
- Managing ira with CD and other accounts.
- Mirrored IRA
- Moving IRA with 72T
- Notice 2008-51 HSA transfer with SEPP
- partial transfer
- partial transfer
- partial transfer
- Partial transfers
- Plan Termination and SEPP''s
- question
- Question about changing banks if you have a 72T Plan
- Risk Assumption Versus Risk Transfer
- Rolling from 1 IRA to another after SEPP started
- SEPP and IRA Transfers
- SEPP at Vanguard
- SEPP custodial transfers
- SEPP IRA Conversion to Brokerage IRA Same Trustee
- SEPP movement
- Should I move my IRA from a trusted brokerage just to get 72t verification?
- Split IRA Accounts.
- splitting SEP after starting a 72(t)
- starting SEPP mid year.
- thinking about changing my IRAs in SEPP universe
- Traditional IRA
- Transfer $''s on Sepp account
- Transfer 72T
- Transfer an SEPP IRA from one Bank to another
- Transfer into IRA Account with 72t
- transfer IRA from one investment to another during
- Transfer my IRA
- Transfer of Account in which SEPP has begun
- Transfer of assets to a new IRA and my SEPP
- Transfer of funds within 72t "universe"
- Transfer of IRA from one financial Instituton to a new one while collecting 72T
- Transfer part of SEPP to another IRA
- Transfer to a Roth IRA while doing a SEPP?
- Transfered assets under 72T
- Transfering my 72t IRA to another IRA
- Transferring Accounts during the SEPP
- Transferring between multiple funds
- Transferring from 72t IRA to 403b for in service loan...
- transferring investment account
- Transferring IRA(72T) To Another IRA(72T)
- Transferring IRA(72T) To Another IRA(72T)
- Trustee to Trustee transfer
- Trustee to Trustee transfer for bond purchase.
- Trustee to Trustee Transfer of Ira
- Trustee to trustee transfer of IRA utilizing 72(t)
- Trustee to Trustee transfer with 72(t) in force
- Trustee to Trustee Transfer within SEPP accounts
- Trustee-trustee transfer
- Two IRA Accounts Using Uniform Lifetime Table
- Show Remaining Articles ( 80 ) Collapse Articles
- 72t money
- 72t Question
- Adding money to 72T
- adding to 72T
- Class Action Suit settlement check into 72T
- Contributing to another Roth or Traditional IRA once 72t started
- DC plan distributions
- Deposits After Establishing 72t
- Does additional pension $ awarded due to Company mistake have to go into the SEPP we are using. I am 2 months short of 59 1/2,
- Earned Income ?
- Further retirement savings
- How do I get started
- Independent payments
- IRA Contribution after 59.5 and 5 years
- IRA Contributions
- IRA contributions after 72t ends
- Ira contributions while receiving a 72(t) distribu
- Repayment of SEPP prior to 59 1/2
- Resuming contributions to my IRA
- returning to work while receiving 72t distr ? cont
- Settlement money returned on 72T
- Small rollover contribution after beginning of SEPP
- Traditional IRA Contribution after setting up a SEPP
- Show Remaining Articles ( 8 ) Collapse Articles
- 72 t withdraw after divorce
- 72-t distributions and divorce
- 72t and divorce
- 72t and Divorce
- 72T confusion
- 72t Divorce
- 72t divorce rules
- 72t divorce spouse refuses trustee to trustee
- 72t when divorce is involved
- Adjustment to 72t Distributions after Divorce Sett
- Court order in separation barring 72t distribution
- Dividend From an Old IRA
- divorce
- Divorce - continue receiving full 72t payment?
- Divorce - what happens to 72t
- Divorce and 72T
- Divorce and 72T
- Divorce and 72t
- divorce and 72t distribution
- Divorce and my SEPP program
- Divorce and the 72t
- divorce on 72t IRA
- divorce,QDRO and 72t help!
- Need help
- QDRO Distributions
- QDRO transfer to older spouse
- RMD - Divorce -
- SEPP and divorce
- SEPP plan and QDRO in divorce
- Starting a 72(t) for 2010
- Taxes on 401k withdrawal to IRA to SEPP
- Show Remaining Articles ( 16 ) Collapse Articles
- 1 time change to 72t
- 3 years into a 72T SEPP plan, considering changing to min dist.
- 5 year reset
- 72 (t) SEPP Internal Account Change
- 72 t Change
- 72 T Question
- 72-T Change After A Divorce
- 72-T change options
- 72-T Rules if once modified
- 72(t) changes
- 72(t) Distibution
- 72(t) payment mode change
- 72q change payment
- 72Q rules with section 1035a exchange
- 72T - change from annual to monthly
- 72T - Changing Methods
- 72t account change?
- 72t change
- 72t Change
- 72t change
- 72t Change
- 72t change in method
- 72t change to dates of disbursements
- 72T distribution change
- 72t distribution one time change
- 72t Distribution Plan Plus Additional Withdrawl?
- 72t hardship question
- 72T One Time Change Of Distribution
- 72t one time change to minimum distribution method
- 72t, can I change the date of the annual payment
- Account number change
- Amount change to 72-t
- Annual Distribution Change
- Asset changes
- Beneficiary Change
- Can I change my 72t payment formula?
- can one change accounts during a SEPP
- Change
- change
- Change 72t payout due to disability/illness?
- Change annual date of distribution?
- change broker/dealer and funds if receiving 72(t)
- Change Brokerage Firms while in a 72t
- Change date
- Change dist amt when 72t ends
- Change documentation
- Change from annual to monthly distribution - again
- Change from Fixed Amort to RMD Method
- Change from Fixed Amort to RMD method
- change in annual distributions
- Change in investment IRA
- Change in maximum % amount permissiable
- Change Investments
- Change of Distribution
- Change of payment date
- change of withholding
- Change Possible?
- change SEPP distribution frequency/period
- Change to 72t
- Change to 72T amount
- Change to 72t distribution
- change to 72t mid year
- Change to beginning balance for SEPP withdrawals
- Change to Required Minimum Distribution
- change to RMD
- Change to self-directed after SEPP started? And real estate...
- change to Sepp
- Changed date of Monthly Distribution Rec''d 13 P
- changes
- Changes 72t Distribution
- Changes to 72t distributions
- Changes to account balance
- Changes to Account Balance - Article by Bill Steck
- Changing from monthly distributions to a one time minuminum Distribution
- Changing payout date on 72t
- Changing SEPP
- Changing the distribution date on an SEPP
- Changing the pay date of an existing monthly 72t distribution
- Client made an amount change on his 72-t
- Communicating Change to IRS
- Correct Method for One-Time Change?
- Custodial change on 72(t)
- Date Change
- date change in dist
- Did the number of years change from 10 to 5 and if so what can I do different?
- Distribution change for the year
- Distribution date change - 72 T
- does a 72(t) check change with the principle?
- early withdrawal
- Echange of two exactly valued securities
- Effect of withdrawing Roth initial contribution
- EX financial advisor
- Fidelity changes policy on SEPP coding
- Fidelity dodges my question
- first year of sepp, can I change to stub year?
- Forum Changes
- how long do I have to stay with plan
- increase 72t distribution
- increase amount on SEPP
- investment change inside 72t account
- investment changes within accounts that are part o
- IRA Broker Change
- IRA Contributions After Starting SEPP
- ira roll over into sepp plan
- irrevocable change to RMD
- irs writings on definition of substantially equal
- Is new IRA exempt from previous 72(t) requirements
- Is this a modification?
- length of 72(t) after conversion to MRD method
- Making the Change??
- Method change
- Mid year changes?
- Mirrored IRA
- Modifying the 72t
- My 5 yr period is over next year, I want to change the payment, so what to do?
- Not Sure How Big Of a Mess I''ve Created
- One Time 72-t change
- one time 72t change
- One time change
- One time change
- One time change and divorce
- one time change of 72t withdrawal
- one time change to 72(t)
- one time change to 72T
- One time change to Min. Dist. Method
- One Time Change To Minimum
- One-time change to 72t SEPP distribution
- One-time change to RMD Method
- One-time change to RMD method - additional question
- Opening a new IRA at Fidelity for SEPP
- Plan change
- Popular subject change to min dist
- Portfolio Changes
- possible modification to SEPP 72(t) ?
- Post 59 1/2 Changes to SEPP
- Proposed Change
- recent change allowing increase?
- Repayment of SEPP prior to 59 1/2
- Rev Rul 2002-62 - You change method, when can you
- SEPP and 1035 Exchange
- SEPP Change from Amortization to Minimum Distribut
- SEPP Changes
- SEPP Changes
- SEPP Changes
- SEPP Changes
- SEPP date of payment change
- SEPP One Time Change
- SEPP want to move partial to TSD IRA LLC; ? material change
- Stop or changing 72t before 59 1/2
- Substantially Equal Payments
- Substantially equal periodic payments
- Taking out additional funds by setting up new IRA
- Three queries - I don't see them already addressed
- Transferring IRA
- Two IRA Accounts Using Uniform Lifetime Table
- Website Changes
- Website Changes
- What to do with 72T investment improvements
- withdrawal taken on wrong date
- Withdrawl changes after 5 years
- Show Remaining Articles ( 147 ) Collapse Articles
- "Traditional" vs. "Rollover" IRAs
- 401 rollover
- 60 day rollover
- 60 day rollover
- 60 day rollover
- 60 day rollover and subsequent distributions
- 60 day rollover question
- 72t
- 72t and rollover
- 72t From a Rollover IRA
- 72t from ira rollover
- 72T IRA rollover to combine two IRAs
- 72t rollover from an existing custodial account to a new cutodial account
- 72T rollovers
- 72t Rollovers In & Out
- 72t/death/rollover
- Additional Rollover
- Annuitizing a portion of a direct rollover.
- Application of One-Per-Year Limit on IRA Rollovers
- beneficiary 403b rollover
- defined benefit rollover into 457 plan
- Distribution from Defined Benefit Plan
- early distribution indirect rollover
- ESOP Distribution Rollovers and 72(t)
- follow up to Trad vs Rollover IRA post
- Follow-up to Rollover Determination
- I'm worried...
- IRA 60 day distributions/rollovers
- IRA Rollover
- IRA Rollover - HELP!!!!!!
- IRA Rollover and Direct Transfers
- LSD rollover and subsequent 72t SEPP
- Lump sum pension distribution to rollover IRA
- Mistake!! Partial IRA rollover during 72(t)
- Overdraw
- Partial rollover of existing 72t IRA
- Pension Assets - IRA rollover (72t) and partial di
- Pension funds not eligible for IRA rollover
- Plan Rollover into IRA
- Qualified plan rollover to IRA
- Retire with rollover into IRA and not a 72t
- Retirement rollovers?
- Rolling Over 72T IRA to Qualified Plan
- rollover
- Rollover
- Rollover & 72(t)
- Rollover & 72T
- Rollover a portion of a SEPP?
- Rollover creativity
- Rollover Date
- Rollover Determination
- Rollover during 72t withdrawal and is bonus used to determine 72t amt?
- Rollover Earnings
- Rollover for SEPP Plan starting in January of 2011
- Rollover from IRA Account
- Rollover from IRA with SEPP
- Rollover into existing 72t / SEPP Plan?
- rollover ira vs traditional ira
- Rollover of existing IRA rollover had elected 72t
- Rollover of non-qualified plan
- Rollover of Residual Funds to 72T IRA?
- Rollover to IRA CD
- rollover/transfer
- rollovers
- Rollovers
- Rollovers
- SEP distributions from a rollover IRA
- SEPPs and Rollovers
- Small Rollover BEFORE starting SEPP
- Split of rollover plan possible for 72t??
- Traditional vs rollover IRA
- transfers and rollovers
- Why companies make you rollover to IRA ?
- Show Remaining Articles ( 59 ) Collapse Articles
Non-IRA Accounts
- 401 Withdrawl
- 401(k) and pre 59 1/2 distribution.
- 401(k) loan & 72t
- 401(k) rollover to IRA
- 401(k) withdrawals instead of IRA 72t
- 401k
- 401K
- 401k
- 401k
- 401K
- 401K
- 401k
- 401K
- 401K
- 401K
- 401k
- 401K - Early Distribution
- 401k ?s
- 401k After Tax
- 401k and 72t
- 401K and Loans
- 401K and post tax $$$$
- 401K and Retirement Lump Sum
- 401k and Rollovers
- 401K Distribution
- 401k Distribution
- 401k distribution/rollover
- 401K Distributions
- 401K for SEPP
- 401K for SEPP funds
- 401k loan
- 401K loan default??????????
- 401k loan payoff while still at the company
- 401K Qualified Plan or IRA for Early Distributions?
- 401K rollover
- 401k rollover
- 401K rollover
- 401K rollover
- 401K rollover
- 401K rollover
- 401k Rollover
- 401k rollover to IRA
- 401k rollover to IRA after SEPP
- 401K Rollover to IRA for SEPP aggregation
- 401k rollover to IRA, impact on SEPP
- 401K Rollover w/ after tax monies
- 401K Rollover, Living in Canada
- 401k rollover/IRA distribution
- 401k to IRA
- 401k to IRA
- 401K to IRA - then 72t
- 401k to IRA and ditributions
- 401k transfer to split IRA''''s
- 401K versus Rollover to IRA and 72T
- 401k vs company plan
- 401k Vs IRA
- 401k vs. Rollover to IRA for SEPP treatment
- 401k Withdrawal
- 401k Withdrawal
- 401k withdrawals and IRA 72(t)
- 401k??
- 401k/ira/double payment
- 60-day window?
- 72 t SEPP plan and employer contributions to 401ks
- 72(t) from 401(k) questions
- 72(t) On A 401k
- 72(t) Question *When Do I Have To Roll 401-k Into IRA ?
- 72(t) Under 401K transferred to IRA
- 72(t)(2)(A)(v)
- 72t
- 72t
- 72t
- 72t
- 72t pension payout
- 72T and 401K accounts
- 72t and uni-401ks
- 72t distributions - from one account?
- 72t from 401k transfer later to IRA?
- 72t from 401K?
- 72t from split of 401k and IRA
- 72t IRA Distribution after 401k Direct Rollover
- 72t Newbie
- 72t payments be effected by moving 401k to different finacial institution
- 72t Set-up
- 72t Withdrawls From Company-Sponsored 401K
- 72t/401k
- A 72(t) Years After Retiring ?
- Accessing 401k penalty free
- Account Balance - Combining 401k and ira after Dec
- advice on cashing in IRA from a past 401K due to t
- after tax $ in a 401K
- After tax contributions in 401k and SEPP
- Are you limited to required minimum distribution method w/ SEPPs from 401K?
- avoid 72T-early retirement
- borrowing from and account with 72t
- Can 401k distributions limit sepp distributions
- Can a 401k with 72t already started be rolled to a
- Can a company 401K plan borrow their own contribut
- Can I include current 401k plan in SEPP?
- Can you start a SEPP plan after age 59.5?
- choices
- closing 401K
- Combine 401K & Pension Lump Sum Payment?
- combo 401k & ira
- Company Stock Dividends
- Company stock in 401k distribution
- Concerning distributions from a 401(k) account
- Death of 401k owner
- Does this code section cover 401(k)?
- early withdrawal of 401k
- Early withdrawal of solo 401(k)
- ESOP dividends and SEPPs in 401K
- Getting Ready
- How to create a sepp with a roth component in my 401k
- IRA Rollover SEPP to new 401(k) plan
- Is 72t really required if I've reached my employer's "normal retirement age"?
- Late Transfer from 401k to IRA that Already has 72T Started
- lump sum/401K rollover
- Lump Sums and After Tax 401k Contributions
- May a 72t distribution be taken from a 401k?
- Move 401k to IRA
- Multiple Withdrawal Classifications
- Need advice on 401K withdrawal and pension
- New IRA SEPP or Keep 401k Plan
- No Penalty Distribution from 401K
- oops, rolled over 401K into IRA, broke the 72t
- Partial 401K distribution + rollover to IRA for SEPP
- paying back a loan to a qualified 401k
- Pension and 401k rollover
- Questions
- Retirement
- Retirement at age 59
- Roll over 401K
- Rollover 401K account with 72t to an IRA
- Rollover 401k to Existing SEPP IRA
- Rollover from 401k to IRA-What account balance to
- Rollover of 401k and distribution
- Rollover of 401K to IRA Account Balance question
- Separation of Service
- SEPP application process
- SEPP for 401k vs. IRA
- SEPP from IRA in same year as 401K withdrawals
- SEPP pymnts & 401k contributions
- Setting up a 72T and 401K rollover at age 51
- solo401(k) & 72t SEPP
- Starting a 72t in July
- Taking SEPPs from 401K and 403B
- transfer fund from 401K to SEPP IRA
- transfer fund from 401K to SEPP IRA
- transferring an SEPP that is currently in a 401k t
- using 401k to fund SEPP
- What is the process to apply for a 72T??
- When is it too late to setup a Solo 401(k)
- Withdrawal from 401K
- withdrawals from 401k
- Witholding 20% 72(t) distributions from 403(b) and 401(k)
- Show Remaining Articles ( 142 ) Collapse Articles
- 401(k)-separation at 55-will this work?
- 401k and age 55
- 401K Distr''n @ Age 55--"Separation from Se
- 401K distribution at 55 years old
- 401K distributions at 55
- 401K periodic withdrawals after age 55
- 401K roll over to an IRA, do I have to retire during the year I turn 55?
- 401K vs. 55
- 401K withdrawl at 55 ?
- 55 retirement
- 55 separation of Service and distribution question
- 72T
- 72T / SEPP
- 72t and age 55 rule 401k
- 72t fees and 401k and 55 rule
- Additional follow up to age 55 from qualified plan
- age 55 and seperated service
- Age 55 Confusion
- Age 55 does it make a difference in 72 T ?
- age 55 exception
- age 55 exception
- age 55 excepttion
- age 55 exemption
- Age 55 questions
- Age 55 Rule
- Age 55 Rule
- Age 55 Rule & NUA application
- Age 55 rule relative to retiring at 50
- Can you start a SEPP plan after age 59.5?
- Clarification on the age 55 exemption rule
- Disability and Age 55
- Distribution from qualified plan after age 55
- Distributions to new 72t
- draw from 401K in 2017 when I turn 55 in Dec 2017
- IRA 72t without penalty payments
- IRA withdrawal
- need some advice
- Over 55 72T flexibility
- Over 55 exception
- Pension to IRA
- QPlan 55 separation exception
- Questions
- remaining payments
- Retire @ 55 with 72T
- retire during the year you turn 55
- Retiring in the year I turn 55
- rollover 401K Retire Age 55
- rule 55 and 72t
- Rule of 55
- rule of 55 and 72t in same year
- Rule of 55 for 401(k)
- Separate date
- Separate from Service After 55 & 72(t)
- Separation from Service Exemption
- Seperation before 55
- Want to start early retirment on the right foot
- Witdrawal without SEPP
- Younger than 55
- Show Remaining Articles ( 43 ) Collapse Articles
- 72 t/q friendly GMWB
- 72(q) Distributions from a non-qualified annuity
- 72(Q) Rules for annuity with Joint Owenrship
- 72t
- 72t & Immediate Annuities
- 72t and life annuity with term certain
- 72T Annuity Distribution Method for Joint
- 72T annuity payout
- 72t annuity product from jackson national
- 72t based on a Variable Annuity from AXA
- 72T distribution to a single premium variable annuity
- 72t or life annuity
- 72T Question on annuities
- 72t sepp as an annuity
- 72T then withdrawl for annuity
- 72T vs Commercial Annuities
- 72TQ Annuityw/ money from life insurance claim
- A question on Indexed and Fixed Annuities
- Aggregating of Contracts
- annuitize with life contingency
- Annuity
- Annuity 72t distribution
- Annuity distributions before age 59 1/2
- Annuity Factor
- Annuity Factor vs Ammortization Method
- annuity for sepp
- Annuity in 72T
- annuity method and life expectancy
- annuity or mutual funds
- annuity v. amortization
- Annuity withdrawl amout to use 72t rule
- Another annuity question........
- Anuuitized IRA
- cd type annuity for sepp
- change from annuity method
- Change from RMD to Annuity or Amortization
- Distribution methods
- Early Withdrawal of Annuity
- Effect of funding fixed annuity with 401(k) balanc
- Fixed Period Immediate Income Annuity & 72t
- Guaranteed Income Annuity
- How to Structure for SEPPs
- Immediate annuities
- Immediate Annuities
- immediate annuity
- immediate annuity
- immediate annuity
- immediate annuity and 72t
- Immediate Annuity from 401k B4 age 59.5
- Immediate annuity SEPPs
- Immediate Annuity Value for One-Time Change
- immediate fixed annuity
- Increase annuity amount
- Ira Annuity
- IRA Annuity - With SEPP - Withdrawl question
- IRA Annuity 72t dist.
- IRA Rollover
- IRS Helps Again - Notice 2004-15
- is 72T calc applicable to annuity withdrawls?
- is 72T calc applicable to annuity withdrawls?
- Is this a modification?
- Is this withdrawal amount okay?
- Joint Lifetime Single-Premium Annuity (Fixed) for a SEPP (SPIA)
- Legality of split annuity strategy
- Life annuity
- loss on annuity redemption
- Lump sum or Annuity
- need some advice
- non qualified annuities
- non qualified annuities
- non qualified annuities again
- non qualified annuity
- non-qual annuity and SEPP
- non-qualified annuities
- Non-qualified annuities
- Nonqualified Variable Annuity
- qualified annuity
- retirement annuity while working
- RMDs with IRAs, 401Ks, and TSA (annuity)
- Rollover after start of SEPP
- sepp on annuity
- SEPP with annuity to fund income stream
- single premium deferred fixed annuity
- single premium deferred fixed annuity
- SPIA and IRA
- split annuity purchased from after tax savings
- Starting new SEPP on Fidelity deferred annuity
- Surrender Variable Annuity with SEPP
- Switching from Annuity Method to RMD
- Tax on pre 59 1/2 NQ Annuity
- Thank You
- The new Qualified Longevity Annuity Contract
- TIAA CREF403B Fixed Annuity
- transfer of an annuity with an active 72t
- Use Annuity like a 72(t) withdrawal?
- Use of Annuities --- IRC 72(q) versus
- use of Single Premium Immediate Annuity
- Using 8 year SPIA???
- Using a SPIA for SEPP Distributions
- Using a SPIA for SEPP Distributions
- Using life annuity with 72t
- Vanguard Annuity will code as early distribution
- Variable Annuity Inside of an IRA
- Variable Annuity Question
- Show Remaining Articles ( 89 ) Collapse Articles
- 72t and Thrift Savings Plan Withdrawals
- 72T applicable to TSP?
- 72t for TSP
- 72t is offered by the TSP
- 72t withdrawal from TSP account
- Congress has the best plan!
- CPA v Financial Planner etc. for Federal Retirees
- Distributions
- Establishing a 72T Program
- Federal Retirement
- Govt TSP = SEPP
- Is My 72(t) Plan OK?
- Retiring with TSP
- SEPP from TSP
- setting up 72t
- specific $ monthly w/d from TSP acct - 72(t) eligi
- Starting a 72t using TSP
- Thrift Savings Plan (TSP)
- Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) monthly mayments
- tsp one time withdrawal at risk
- TSP to 72(t)
- TSP-70 rounding off
- Show Remaining Articles ( 10 ) Collapse Articles
Non-SEPP Exceptions
- 10% Exception due to disability
- 72(t) and disability
- 72T and disability
- 72T distributions then becomes disabled prior to 5
- 72t then disability
- 72t/Disability.......
- Curent 72(t) client, now on disability
- disability
- Disability
- disability
- Disability
- disability
- Disability 10% penalty exception apply?
- Disability and 72T
- disability and 72t
- Disability and 72t rules
- disability and rule 72t
- Disability Distribution
- Disability Distribution Exception
- Disability Exception to Penalty
- Disability Exception-Distribution from Spousal IRA
- disability exemptions
- Disability termination of SEPP Plan
- Disabled when starting 72(q)
- Early Retirement Exceptions List 2019
- Early Retirement Medical Exceptions Article 2018/2019
- IRA Distribution
- IRA-SEPP-Disabled
- Police Disability Pension
- Proof of Disability for Penalty-free 401k Withdraw
- Retired on Disability/Died - Wife under 59 1/2
- retirement withdrawl
- SEPP and Disability?
- ss disability
- starting 72(t)
- Show Remaining Articles ( 21 ) Collapse Articles
- 401k to IRA education withdrawal timing
- 401K Withdrawal for Higher Education Expenses
- 72T & Educational Withdrawals
- 72t account with education withdrawal
- 72t and college tuition
- 72T and Education Exp in Same Acct?
- 72T distribution for education
- 72t distribution rules
- Early Retirement Exceptions List 2019
- Early Retirement Medical Exceptions Article 2018/2019
- education costs
- Higher education
- Higher Education Exceptions
- Higher Education Expenses adn the 10% Penalty
- Higher Education Expenses Qualifications
- Higher Education Expenses Qualifications
- IRA withdrawls for higher education expenses
- Multiple Rollovers & Education Expenses
- No IRA modification penalty where additional funds withdrawn for education
- Qualified Education Expenses
- SEPP & Higher education expenses
- SEPP and education withdrawal
- Show Remaining Articles ( 7 ) Collapse Articles
- 72(t) for Medical Premiums with multiple years of unemployment?
- 72(t) payments and distribution for medical expens
- 72T
- 72t and medical bills
- 72T and medical withdrawal from one IRA?
- 72t with medical distribution
- Additional Early Withdrawl
- Early Retirement Exceptions Article June 2019
- Early Retirement Exceptions List 2019
- Early Retirement Medical Exceptions Article 2018/2019
- Funding HSA
- If you are using a SEPP plan and have a Medical Emergency Need
- IRA #1 For SEPP, IRA #2 for Medical Premiums
- IRA for medical
- IRA withdrawal
- Medical and SEPP Distributions
- Medical bills
- Medical Expenses
- medical expenses
- Medical Hardship
- Medical Payments
- medical payments from wife ira, sepp from husband
- Medical withdrawal after 72T
- SE health insurance and the medical exemption
- SEPP and additional medical withdrawal
- Show Remaining Articles ( 10 ) Collapse Articles
- 72t and Early Withdrawal
- 72T Distribution
- 72T Withdrawal
- Does active 72t plan prohibit other approved withdrawals
- Early Retirement Exceptions List 2019
- Early Retirement Medical Exceptions Article 2018/2019
- Other distributions from IRAs i.e. Health Insuranc
- SEDs, then lump sum distribution from IRA
- started 72t sepp and then became disabled
- 2001 plan, IRS exam
- 72t early dist. from ira and irs audit
- CP 2000 notice
- Form 5498
- How does the IRS know I''m using 72t?
- irs
- irs audit
- IRS Audit
- IRS Audit
- IRS audit
- IRS Audit
- IRS audit
- IRS Audit of my 72t Distributions
- IRS Audit of SEPP Plans
- irs audits
- IRS checks
- IRS Exam
- IRS exam by mail
- IRS examination report
- IRS Letter Follow-up
- IRS letter, How do I respond?
- IRS levy on an account in a SEPP
- IRS Questioning My 2007 Return with 72(t)
- IRS SEPP Audit
- Letter 525 from IRS
- Rejection for 72t from IRS
- Scary IRS Letter
- Verbal information from IRS
- Verification that early IRS withdrawl is parts of
- Show Remaining Articles ( 14 ) Collapse Articles
- ? on writing a private letter ruling
- 72T and PLR's
- A Few Words About PLRs
- Any updates on PLR?
- Approved PLR
- Badger''s PLR progress
- Can you take more than 72t rate??
- Changing withdrawal per Private Letter Rulings
- Compliant Letter To The IRS
- Details on PLR procedure
- Error Correction PLRs
- FAQs and PLR listing
- How to Understand & Use PLRs
- IRS Reply On PLR 2007-20023
- IS PLR Requirred
- New PLR disallows partial transfers
- PLR 2005-07021
- PLR 2005-32062
- PLR 200925044 - Partial Transfers
- PLR ruling 2004-32021
- PLR''s and inflation
- PLRs for 72t distributions
- Private letter ruling
- Private Letter Ruling fee
- Private Letter Ruling Number
- Private Letter Ruling Request
- Private Letter Rulings
- Private Letter Rulings after 1/1/2003
- Stop or changing 72t before 59 1/2
- Timing Of PLR
- Understanding the new PLR
- Update re PLR 200720023 - Partial Transfers Still
- What good are PLRs?
- Yet Another PLR to Factor In
- Show Remaining Articles ( 24 ) Collapse Articles
- 1099
- 1099 codes
- 1099 posted with a "G"
- 1099 R & Form 5329
- 1099 R details
- 1099-R
- 1099-R
- 1099-R
- 1099-R
- 1099-R and Distribution Code
- 1099-R and Form 5329
- 1099-R box 7 code 2
- 1099-r codes
- 1099-R coding
- 1099-R coding
- 1099-R Coding Error
- 1099-R Coding Question
- 1099-R Distribution Code
- 1099-R distribution coding
- 1099, More Code 1s and fewer Code 2s
- 1099(r) codes
- 1099r
- 1099R code
- 1099R coded 1
- 2015 tax filing
- 5 year end and calendar year 1099
- 5329
- 5329 form and how to complete it to avoid penaliti
- 5329 form for 2014 income taxes
- 72 t and SS tax
- 72-t withdrawal
- 72(t)
- 72(t) Start Date Impact on Taxes
- 72t
- 72t
- 72T and Income Tax Due
- 72t and Obamacare?
- 72t and tax w/h
- 72t corrected over-withdrawl tax question
- 72t distribution and additional w/d taxes
- 72t for Tax Planning
- 72T Tax Free
- 72T tax free
- 72t taxes
- 72t/roth ira
- Advice for CPA to file taxes for distribution coded as early without exception
- After Tax Contribution
- After Tax Dollars
- after tax funds in SEPP IRA
- After tax money in SEPP
- Ammended tax returns
- Amount to withhold for taxes??
- Beneficiary IRA - Tax question
- Best way to pay SEPP Federal Taxes?
- box 7 on 1099R form
- Changing SEPP tax deductions
- Checking 72t Plan
- Code 1 vs. code 2
- Code 2
- code 2
- Code 2
- code irs form 5329 for sepp 72t distribution
- Completion of 72T 1099R
- Concerning Form 5329:
- Death Taxes and "Last SEPP ditribution"
- different 5329 question
- Distribution Code
- Distribution code 2 for immediate annuities
- Distribution code 7
- Distribution Codes
- Distribution Codes
- Do I really need tax advice???
- Does Medicare tax apply to 72t?
- Doing the taxes...
- Early Retirement and Roth IRA''s
- easy 72(t) income tax question
- end of 72t tax question
- Estimated Tax Payment time
- Extra 2.5% penalty for early withdrawal in California
- file 2 5329's?
- Filing Form 5329 for SEPP plus additional exceptions
- finding a tax advisor with 72t rule knowledge
- Finishing SEPP & Form 1099R
- First timer with 5329
- Foreign Tax
- Forgot to file form 5329
- Form 1099-R distribution codes
- Form 1099R
- Form 5329
- Form 5329
- Form 5329
- form 5329
- form 5329
- Form 5329
- Form 5329
- Form 8606
- Get ready to file form 5329 with your form 1040
- Getting Your Tax Money
- How to fill out form 5329
- Increasing Federal tax withholding on a SEEP in progress?
- IRA and taxes
- IRA Question 72t
- IRA with taxed and non-taxed contributions
- IRS 5329 form
- IRS 5329 w/RMD Switch
- IRS form
- irs form 5329
- IRS Form to file
- IRS Forms
- IRS press release re
- Loan Distribution
- Michigan State Income Tax on 72t distributions.
- more questions
- multiple sepps and 5329
- my first 72(t) 1099-R from Schwab is coded "2
- My Tax Software and Simplified vs. General Rule
- Need Help with Tax Return After Breaking SEPP
- Need to file taxes?
- New Tax Laws
- No tax or penalty... or is there?
- Our SEPP
- paying taxes in an IRA and SEPP plans
- Post Tax 1099
- Post tax contributions
- Pro
- professional tax software question
- Questions on witholding and taxes on a SEPP
- Sepp 72(t) 'Taxed As Ordinary Income' Question
- SEPP Amount Too High
- SEPP and Taxes
- SEPP End & 1099R
- SEPP question and income type
- SS/Medicare
- State imposed penalty?
- tax and penalties
- Tax code number
- tax details on withdrawal from IRA before 59.5
- Tax Issue From Setting Up Wife's 72t
- Tax question
- Tax question
- Tax Questions
- Tax Reporting of SEPP Withdrawal
- tax reporting vs syst payment
- Tax withheld from a SEPP/72t dispersement
- Tax Withholding
- Tax Withholdings
- Taxable Amount Not Determined
- Taxation of SEPP
- Taxes
- Taxes
- Taxes
- taxes
- Taxes
- taxes and penalties
- taxes on 72t
- Taxes to withhold when taking SEPP Distributions
- taxes,,,
- To e-file or not to e-file when you have SEPP
- Trouble finding TurboTax Form 5329 (SEPP exception
- Turbo Tax
- Turbo Tax/SEPP
- Turbotax
- Vanguard and 1099,s
- Vanguard insists coding ALL early dist''s as 02
- varying tax withholding from year to year
- withholding taxes
- working/taxes on 72t SEPP
- Wrong 1099 Gross Distribution amount by $12
- Show Remaining Articles ( 154 ) Collapse Articles
About 72tNET
Advanced Topics
- 72(t) Re start after taking a partial IRA early di
- 72T to start a business
- Can I set up 72T from self Directed IRA? I''m ge
- Further retirement savings
- Mortgages
- real estate in IRA with 72t
- Real Estate in Self-Directed IRA
- self directed IRA
- Self directed IRA and 72T
- SEPP from IRA with real estate
- SEPP with self directed IRA (SDI)
- Setting up a SEPP 72T in a Self-directed IRA
- Triple Net Lease in a Roth IRA, can you use SEPP??
- 2 moths preceding and Working again after sepp starts.
- 72(t) and still working
- 72t
- 72t distribution and IRA contirbution
- 72T Distributions Combined with Regular Income
- A little help...
- Contributing to another Roth or Traditional IRA once 72t started
- early retirement
- earnings while drawing 72(t)
- Further retirement savings
- going back to work
- Going back to work after taking 72T payments
- New 72t setup comments
- Part time work
- returning to work after 72t has started
- SEP plans while still working
- Show Remaining Articles ( 2 ) Collapse Articles
Completed SEPPs
Roth Accounts
- 2010 roth converion using SEPP of 2010
- 2010 roth converion using SEPP of 2010
- 401K to IRA to Roth
- 72t and conversion to Roth IRA
- 72t and Obamacare?
- 72t and Roth Conversion
- 72t and Roth IRA convertions
- 72T conversion to roth ?
- 72t distribution change & roth conversion
- 72t to ROTH
- Advice on whether to roll a large IRA to Roth?
- Can you start a SEPP plan after age 59.5?
- Convert remaining SEPP payments to Roth?
- Converting part of 72(t) to Roth
- Did I bust SEPP plan when I converted fund to backdoor Roth IRA?
- early withdrawal of Roth IRA
- Early Withdrawl
- IRA Distributions After 72(t) Has Ended
- IRA to Roth Conversion after starting SEPP
- My accountant is scaring the heck out of me
- Off Topic - Conversion of TIRA to Roth IRA in 2010
- Partial Conversion to a Roth IRA
- Partial Roth Conversion of Existing SEPP Plan.
- Plan to allow Roth Conversions in 2010
- Rollover 72(t)/IRA to Roth IRA
- roth
- roth conversion
- Roth Conversion and 72t
- roth conversion ded. loss
- roth conversion MAGI coveredca
- Roth Conversion to Delay SEPP?
- Roth Conversion while under a 72t
- Roth Conversions and 72(t)
- Roth conversions on IRA
- SEPP Roth conversion?
- SEPP 1099-r and roth conversion 1099-r
- SEPP/ ROTH Conversion
- SEPP/Roth Conversion
- Traditional IRA CONVERSION to ROTH
- Show Remaining Articles ( 25 ) Collapse Articles
- 72t for Roth
- 72t on Roth IRA
- Are SEPP Distributions for a Roth IRA Taxable when
- Distributions taken same year before starting SEPP
- early withdrawal of Roth IRA
- Roth conversions on IRA
- ROTH IRA & 72T
- Roth IRA's and SEPP
- Roth IRAs and SEPPs
- SEPP from a Roth IRA set up for less than 5 years without penalty
- Sepp in a new roth question
- 60 day rollover using multiple roth ira
- Bypass the SEPP
- early withdrawal of Roth IRA
- generic roth ira question
- pre-59 1/2 roth w/d affect SEPP / 72t ?
- pre-59 1/2 roth w/d affect traditional ira SEPP?
- Question about Roth Contribution distributions
- Roth after 5 years
- Roth Distribution
- SEPP from a Roth IRA set up for less than 5 years without penalty
- Using a Roth IRA to pay health insurance
Violations & Penalties
- "Busted" 72t Plan?
- "Late" 72(t) Distribution
- "Premature"-coded distributions from SES
- "Reseting" 72t
- 1 time bulk withdrawal prior to establishing SEPP
- 10% penalty
- 10% penalty
- 10% penalty question
- 10% penalty under 72t
- 72 t and irs
- 72 T Question
- 72-t withdrawal
- 72(T)
- 72(t) Distibution
- 72(t) penalty for "bust"
- 72(t) Re start after taking a partial IRA early di
- 72(T) Withdrawals
- 72T
- 72t account depleted
- 72t bust
- 72t Bust Question
- 72t busted?
- 72t code1
- 72t confused
- 72T Depleted
- 72t Depleted
- 72T depletion prior to 59 1/2
- 72T Distribution is running out of gas
- 72t distributions from IRA
- 72T Election
- 72T Election Not Made by Advisor
- 72t Partial Transfer and a SEP violation code 1
- 72t penalty or bust as posted by Aaron on 11/2/200
- 72T Setup a Bust?
- 72t vs pension - 10% penalty
- 72T-penalties if "bust" on purpose
- Account close to depletion can I change distribution
- Accounting Error
- Additional Distribution
- additional distributions
- age 57 inception...age 61 bust!
- Any consideration that the10% penalty will be waived due to economic situation
- Anyone hear of this rule?
- Bank missed monthly distibution
- Begin SEPP in the middle of substantially equal payments
- break 72T with a withdrawl
- breaking 72T
- Breaking a 72T series of withdrawals
- Breaking a SEPP and then restarting
- Breaking and Restarting a 72T
- Broken 72T
- broken 72t
- Broken 72T? Is a penalty due in this situation?
- Bust
- Bust a SEPP with Trading Costs
- Bust an old; begin a new?
- Busted 72 t distribution for education
- Busted 72t
- Busted 72T
- Busted 72T
- busted 72t
- Busted 72T
- Busted 72T
- Busted 72t Questions
- busted 72t transactions- can it be fixed?
- Busted 72t?
- Busted 72t?
- Busted SEPP
- Busting 72(t) and using other early distribution exception
- Busting 72T
- busting 72t
- Busting 72t distributions
- busting a 72t
- Busting a 72t
- Busting a Plan
- Busting a Sepp
- Busting and restarting 72t payouts
- busting early seems inevitable
- busting my account
- Busting plan in last year...
- busting your 72t
- Carrier Cancels 72t
- Change of custodian- busted 72T
- class action settlement
- Cost to Bust
- cost to bust
- Cost to Bust
- Cost to Bust
- depleted IRA on 72t
- Determine penalty for breaking 72t
- Did I bust my SEPP?
- Disability and busting 72t
- Disability and busting 72t
- Disqualifying transactions
- Distribution BEFORE taking first SEPP Distribution
- distributions and the 10% penalty
- Do Advisory fees charged to a SEPP bust the SEPP
- Do I have a big problem?
- does taking cap gains dist cause 72t bust
- early distribution from pension plan, 10% exceptio
- Early withdrawal in one IRA busting the SEPP in a 2nd IRA?
- Early withdrawal in one IRA busting the SEPP in a 2nd IRA?
- Economic Stimulus and the 10% Pre-59 1/2 Penalty
- Ending the plan
- Enhancing income from an IRA with 72(t)
- Error Results in Overwithdrawal
- Exception to premature distribution rules
- exceptions on 10% for "Qualified Public Safety Employees"
- Excess 72T
- Excess Distribution
- excess SEPP distributions
- Exhausting 72t funds early
- Explain Cost to Bust column on amortization chart
- Fixing Busted 72t
- Forgot to take my 2009 SEPP payment
- Forms to end SEPP
- Funding IRA-B from SEPP IRA-A
- Has my 72t been violated
- How do you report a Broken 72t for past years penalties
- How to Fix "Busted" 72T
- How to Pay Back Taxes On a Busted 72-T Plan
- How to report penalties on "busted" 72(t
- If you begin 72t withdrawals from an IRA, can you take additional distributions
- In the spirit of "substantially equal"...
- Inaccurate account activity.
- incorrect distribution from SEPP
- intentionaly busting plan
- IRS "Busted SEPP" Rulings --- Update
- IRS Audit?
- IRS Greetings
- IRS Notice 2009-82
- IRS penalties
- IRS Penalty
- irs penalty
- IRS says I owe 10 percent penalty
- Is 72t Busted???????
- Missed 72t payment out of IRA - can we correct it?
- Multiple SEPPs; Bust 1
- My distribution is off $0.04, should I correct it?
- Need remedy for possible busted 72T
- need to bust my 72T to roll to a ROBS plan?
- New IRS Attitude on "Executory" Errors
- New SEPP - Don't want to bust it at the start
- New SEPP or exempt
- Not Sure How Big Of a Mess I''ve Created
- once an account is violated
- One Time Dist during 72t payout
- Overdraw
- payment date too soon
- Payments after busted 72t
- Payout exception to 10% penalty
- Pension Protection Act 2006 - Excess Distrib.
- pension, 10% penalty?
- pre age 59 1/2 withdrawal
- Premature distribution
- Premature Distribution
- Premature Distribution of IRA - Student Loans
- Premature Distributions
- Prematurely stopping 72t
- Probable bust
- Publication - 590 - SEPP as Valid exception to 10%
- Question on excess distribution of SEPP Plan
- Reasonable cause on 72t modification
- reconfiguring a busted SEPP
- Reporting a busted 72t
- Reporting a Busted Plan?
- Reporting busted Sepp on tax return
- Reporting Penalty for Violation of SEPP 72-t
- Restarting 72 payment
- restarting a 72t
- Return of withdrawal
- SEPP Amount Too High
- SEPP busted by change at Credit Union
- SEPP Depletion
- sepp distribution too much by one month of state taxes
- SEPP Question
- sepp violation
- SEPP Violation Nuances
- SEPP Violation Question
- Skipped 72t payments and Recovery Act of 2009
- Started SEPP program 4/14 ,now can I take a withdrawal outside of that plan
- Starting a new 72t plan after busting an old one
- Stopping 72T
- Substantially Equal Payments 10% Penalty Exclusion on Pension Payments
- Substantially Equal Payments For Spouse On Inherit
- taking extra money from Ira 72t
- Taking lump sum from IRA after starting 72t distri
- trustee/custodian error busts SEPP plan
- Under estimating payments
- Underwithdrawal of Annual SEPP amount
- Violating distributions
- Violation of 72T
- voiding my sepp
- What does the "cost to bust" column mean
- What happens when you intentionally break a 72t?
- What's next after busting a 72t?
- When 10% IRS penalty applicable
- when the bust occurs
- whos fault?? (72t problems)
- Show Remaining Articles ( 185 ) Collapse Articles
- 50% penalty??????
- 72-t withdrawal
- 72(t)
- 72T distributions
- 72T Election
- 72t penalties
- 72T penalty help
- 72t termination
- Determine penalty for breaking 72t
- early withdrawal
- Excess 72T
- General info
- IRA Question 72t
- IRS Penalty
- penalties
- penalty
- penalty
- Penalty ?
- penalty bill due before error resolved
- penalty or no penalty
- Previous non SEPP distribution
- SEPP Penalty calculation
- State imposed penalty?
- State Penalties
- Tax, Penalty & Interest on Busted 72t??
- Vanguard and I differ.
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Taxable Amount Not Determined
L1: Taxable Amount Not DeterminedWe”ve had a SEPP on my wife”s Non-Qualified Variable Annuity since 2001. Up until 2004, they always used Dist Code 2 in Box 7 on the 1099-R. However, after all the changes in 2004, they”ve changed it to Dist Code 1, and, more curiously, checked the box in 2b, ”Taxable Amount Not Determined” (Make a long story short – – I got to figure out the amount, because they wouldn”t do it).Thanks to this site, I”ve found the IRS rules for those who prepare 1099-R”s. According to those rules, which are pretty clear I feel, they should have left the 1099-R alone, and it should still be Dist Code 2 in Box 7.Was the issuer of the 1099-R right to change everything around? Armed with my new info (the IRS rules mentioned above), should I try and convince them to change their mind?Would this potentially open a can of worms I don”t want to open?Now that the ”taxable amount” has been determined, should I leave well enough alone?Thanks for any and all suggestions and comments.2006-05-05 23:16, By: Boyd 9, IP: []
L2: Taxable Amount Not DeterminedThe insurance Company is within their rights to use a code of ”1” for the 1099-R, but for a non-qualified annuity they should be able to furnish the taxable amount.
You can always try to convince them – nothing ventured/nothing gained. Just make sure that you have the documentation to support the plan since it”s inception and you should be ok.
Taxable Amount Not Determined – It almost sounds like they started coding it like thay may code an IRA where after-tax contributions are typically not known since all IRAs are aggrgated and they may only have a portion of the entire account.2006-05-06 06:06, By: Gfw, IP: []
L2: Taxable Amount Not DeterminedDear GfwMany thanks for the input. I”m somewhat inclined to agree with your last comment…… esp when I take into consideration the many comments I”ve read here over the last few months or so, about how the current trend seems to be more and more for the issuers of 1099”s to shift the ”burden of proof” onto the taxpayer”s shoulders whenever possible. As has been said here several times, one taxpayer may have multiple SEPP”s in place but the insurance co. may only be aware of one of them….. how are they to know whether the taxpayer is following the rules or not??? Another reason I”m inclined to agree is that this annuity was originally started in ”92 with another co. we did a 1035 like-kind exchange in 1999. So, I dunno, maybe they”re confused about the original contribution amt?It would also be nice to have some simplification on all this from the IRS. It took me a LONG time to figure out the taxable amount, based on their instructions. Even tho” I”m not sure whether the Insurance co. is correct or not, in a way, I kind of prefer the ”taxable amt not determined” method…… rather than pay taxes on 100% of my wife”s SEPP withdrawals (as would be the case with a code 2), we only pay taxes on some 80-odd percent of it, using the IRS calculations.Now, if the insurance co. doesn”t change their minds yet again next year, I”ll have it licked!!!Thanks againBoyd 92006-05-06 14:55, By: Boyd 9, IP: []
L2: Taxable Amount Not DeterminedBoyd9,
I don”t see these two issues as being related to each other at all. The taxable amount of the SEPP payments should be provided. The insurance company should have collected the original investment amount when the 1035 exchange was done and when the SEPP began, they should have the amounts of investment and earnings in order to calculate the taxable amount. Since these payments are periodic as opposed to non periodic, I don”t think the earnings should be coming out first, but should be coming out ratably, and the company should be providing the breakdown on the 1099R.
The other issue is whether the taxable portion is subject to the early withdrawal penalty or not. If she has a valid 72t plan, a Form 5329 can be attached to claim the exemption regardless of how much of the gross distribution is taxable. It is possible that an error in the 2004 edition of the 1099R instuctions where 72t payments were not listed among the reasons to issue a “2” code is responsible for them changing to a 1. All that means is that you need to add the 5329 form if this is a valid 72t plan.
The bigger problem about the taxable amount is that if they won”t provide the breakdown, then you probably have to determine if you should be using the general rule or the Simplified method to figure it out yourself.
2006-05-06 23:38, By: Alan S., IP: []
L2: Taxable Amount Not DeterminedAlanMany thanks for your comments and observations. I agree with you….. I think definitely that the taxable amount SHOULD have been provided. My feeling is that, all along, the insurance co. (which is affiliated with a major ”low cost” brokerage house) has been trying to do as little as possible all along – – at least when it comes to all the ”technical tax stuff” – – I”ve had to figure out all of that – – everything, really – – myself…….. trips to the library to read the IRS code books, time on the phone with the IRS, books purchased, and of course, lots of time here.Publication 939 covers the general rule. The copy I have (a year or two old) states that nonqualified plans should use the general rule, not the simplified one (I imagine all this is subject to change now).What gripes me somewhat is that my wife made ONE contribution to this annuity way back in 1992. There”s technically NO excuse for them not to know the taxable amount – – even with a 1035 rollover back in 1999.I”ve puzzled and pondered deeply over the other issues that you raise. Depending on which IRS publication you read, one can be lead to interpret things in more than one way. It”s hard to know what the true ”correct” way is, as far as the IRS is concerned.Again, it was not our choice to do the ”taxable amount not determined” bit – – that was the insurance co.”s decision. Ever since they made the change (last year), I”ve gotten to know Form 5329 quite well.As warning, anyone considering purchasing an annuity, think hard! You have many options BEFORE you purchase one, and very few AFTER you do!Thanks againBoyd 9 2006-05-07 18:06, By: Boyd 9, IP: []
L2: Taxable Amount Not DeterminedIRS rules require that any distributions from a non-annuitized, non-qualifiedannuity will all be considered “income” until you get to the cost basis, at which time the distributions become “return of premium.” “Income” is taxable at ordinary rates whereas “return of premium” is not taxable. Since you are using 72(q) / SEPP for the distributions, then youseem to be in this situation.
If your wife had bought a Single Premium Immediate Annuity (SPIA) or annuitized a deferred annuity within 365 daysof contract issue, then she would not need to use 72(q) / SEPP to avoid the 10% penalty. Furthermore, she would be eligible for the “exclusion ratio” which allocates part of her distributions to “income” and part to “return of premium.” You are right thatthe exclusion ratio is a bear to calculate which is why the insurance company is required to provide the “taxable amount” on the 1099-R. However, I don”t think she has reached her cost basis yet.
Your wife”s single premium invested in 1992 would have probably grown quite nicely through March of 2000, and then started down the “slippery slope” of the market correction, unless she went to all or partially all cash sometime near that date. Even if she stayed investedwhen shestarted the SEPP in 2001, she probably had quite a nice size account to draw from. My guess is she was andstill is in a “gain” situation above her original 1992 investment, even with the SEPP withdrawals.
So, unless I”m missing somereally big aspect of your situation, I suspect that all of your wife”s distributions were fully taxable at ordinary income rates and she was not eligible for any exclusion at any time.
Jim2006-05-08 14:32, By: Jim, IP: []
L2: Taxable Amount Not DeterminedJim – You are absolutely correct – withdrawals under a non-qualified tax-deferred)annuity (even for a 72(q)/SEPP) are fully taxable to the extent there is any gainin the contract. The exclusion rules do not apply to withdrawals, only annuitization.2006-05-08 15:09, By: Gfw, IP: []
L2: Taxable Amount Not DeterminedJim and GFW,
My assertion that the the exclusion ratio applies to these payments are based on Pub 939 and 72(e) of the tax code. I believe these are periodic payments, and not periodic payments not just because they are part of a SEPeriodicP plan, but because they meet the definition of being paid out regularly and for a period in excess of one year. Pub 939 indicates that periodic payments are to be treated as though paid out as an annuity. If they are considered paid out as an annuity, then the exclusion ratio applies to those payments. I find no indication anywhere that annuity payments are limited to lifetime payments, and therefore I believe that after the SEPP terminates, further distributions would then be non periodic and income would be taxed first. At that point taxpayer would be over 59.5 and therefore the penalty would not apply to the fully taxable amount.
72e of the code seems to limit the taxation of earnings first to payments not received as an annuity. But I could still be incorrect, it wouldn”t be the first time.2006-05-08 16:46, By: Alan S., IP: []
L2: Taxable Amount Not Determined
They are only periodic in the sense that the initial payment stream meets the definition. However, the payment stream can change at any point or even be discontinued entirely which is the main difference between an immediate annuity (or settlement option) and systematic withdrawals.
While I have seen no PLRs that actually describe the taxation (or what constitutes the taxable portion) of payments under 72(q) they are indeed being made from a tax-deferred annuity prior to annuitization and not an immediate annuity as defined by the code. I do believe that if you did a survey of insurance companies, most all companies surveyed would calculate the taxable amount based on thewithdrawal rules and not the annuity rules – not totally binding on the taxpayer, but…
With that said, it would make an interesting request unfortunately the price is now pretty high for a PLR and I think I know which route the IRS would follow.
2006-05-08 16:56, By: Gfw, IP: []
L2: Taxable Amount Not Determined
I copied the following from the front section of Pub 939. It addresses annuity payments from the “annuitized” status rather than taking “periodic payments” from an annuity “as an annuity.” In this status the payments would get the benefit of the “exclusion ratio.” Periodic payments can be changed or terminated butAnnuity payments can”t be changed or terminated.
Hope this helps.
Taxation of Periodic Payments
This section explains how the periodic payments you receive under a pension or annuity plan are taxed under the General Rule. Periodic payments are amounts paid at regular intervals (such as weekly, monthly, or yearly) for a period of time greater than one year (such as for 15 years or for life). These payments are also known as amounts received as an annuity.
If you receive an amount from your plan that is a nonperiodic payment (amount not received as an annuity), see Taxation of Nonperiodic Payments in Publication 575.
In general, you can recover your net cost of the pension or annuity tax free over the period you are to receive the payments. The amount of each payment that is more than the part that represents your net cost is taxable. Under the General Rule, the part of each annuity payment that represents your net cost is in the same proportion that your investment in the contract is to your expected return. These terms are explained in the following discussions.
2006-05-08 17:47, By: Jim, IP: []
L2: Taxable Amount Not DeterminedJim
Problem is we are both looking at the same Pub 939 provision and coming up with two different conclusions. Mine is that once a payment qualifies as “periodic” and is therefore paid as an annuity, there is nothing that separates it from any other form of annuity payment. Periodic = annuity payment = general rule Pub 939. Non periodic = not received as an annuity = Pub 575 = no exclusion rule.
I think you are agreeing that the SEPP payment does meet the periodic payment definition because of the conditions of meeting 72t, BUT then you are concluding that while it is paid as an annuity, since the payments are revocable, that for exclusion ratio purposes it should be treated as payments NOT paid as an annuity, but as a systematic withdrawal program. I am not seeing that statedin any particular publication or in the code. Perhaps a PLR is needed….but I can”t afford the 9 grand. :)2006-05-08 19:18, By: Alan S., IP: []
L2: Taxable Amount Not DeterminedGood morning Alan. First off let me apologize for the large block letters of your name in my last post. After I copied and pasted the section from Pub 939 into the reply section, then moved up to write my short message, the large block letters were there and I couldn”t figure out how to change them. When I typed my message it went to normal type. I still don”t know what happened but that”sthe situation. I was also in a time crunch.
I do not agree with your equation that “periodic payments” equal “annuity payments.” “Periodic Payments,” not associated with 72(q) or 72(t),may be random in amount and timing. You may take periodic payments from an annuity contract that has not been annuitized the same way you take periodic payments from a mutual fund or stock account. The dividing line between annuities and other types of investments is the ability to “annuitize” the annuity and turn it into a stream of income.
When an annuity is “annuitized,” and let”s stay with the non-qualified contract in this post, the contract owner exchanges the total value in the account for a “settlement option.” The “settlement option” may be a “Period Certain” for a specific number of years like 10 or 15, “Single Life” which lasts for the life of the annuitant and then the insurance company gets the remainder when he / she dies,or “Joint and Survivor” which combines “Single Life” withsome period of time or forthe life of the named beneficiary or joint annuitant.
When a contract is “annuitized” this action creates an “annuity start date” and payments from the contract are called “annuity payments.” Per Pub 575, distributions before the “annuity start date” are taxed as income up to the cost basis, and distributions after the “annuity start date” are eligible for the “exclusion ratio.” Here is a section of Pub 575 that addresses this situation:
If your annuity is under a nonqualified plan (including a contract you bought directly from the issuer), the amount withdrawn is allocated first to earnings (the taxable part) and then to your cost (the tax-free part). However, if you bought your annuity contract before August 14, 1982, a different allocation applies to the investment before that date and the earnings on that investment. To the extent the amount withdrawn does not exceed that investment and earnings, it is allocated first to your cost (the tax-free part) and then to earnings (the taxable part).
Every annuity company I have ever dealt with, and that goes back to 1993 for me, all distributions from the contract are coded as taxable unless the contract has been annuitized. I have not dealt with any annuity contracts issued before August 14, 1982.
I can”t give you the Tax Code sites for all of this but GFW and TheBadger or some other CPA can.
Jim2006-05-09 09:41, By: Jim, IP: []
L2: Taxable Amount Not Determined Many, many thanks…..This discussion has been most enlightening and educational.I feel like I need to go back and re-read all of my materials again. It almost sounds like pub”s 939 and 575 contradict one another? Like I said….. have to go back and do all that reading again.My bottom line concern is this – – if the Insurance co. was wrong to change the coding in box 2b, shouldn”t I try to get them to correct their mistake and, subsequent to that, shouldn”t I then submit an amended tax-return to the IRS while there”s still time?Some particulars about our situation:- Annuity contract has NOT been annuitized.- Wife has NOT reached age 59 1/2 yet.- Even though the SEPP has been going for several years, we are still withdrawing the ”profit” part of the annuity – – i.e., all of the SEPP payments have NOT lowered the account balance to equal or lower than the initial amount originally invested yet, and probably won”t for the foreseeable future (unless the market completely toiletizes, which is always a possibility).On the several occasions I have had where it was necessary to talk to the Insurance co. on the phone, I could never find anybody who was reassuring enough to satisfy me that they knew more about the tax code than I did, unfortunately. In particular, nonqualified annuities seem to be relegated to a particular tax hell – – regular ”qualified” annuities are confusing enogh, but it”s even more so with non-qualified types (at least that”s the way it seems to me).Again, a million thanks for the invaluable input and insight. I can”t tell you how much I appreciate it……….Best regardsBoyd 92006-05-09 12:44, By: Boyd 9, IP: []
L2: Taxable Amount Not DeterminedHello Boyd 9:
This discussion has been most enlightening and educational.
Yep … sometimes we get on a roll around here.I feel like I need to go back and re-read all of my materials again. It almost sounds like pub”s 939 and 575 contradict one another? Like I said….. have to go back and do all that reading again.
I don”t think 939 and 575 comflict each other, rather some of the terms sound like they should be saying the same thing when they don”t. For example, “annuity income” (annuitized)is not “income from an annuity” (non-annuitized).My bottom line concern is this – – if the Insurance co. was wrong to change the coding in box 2b, shouldn”t I try to get them to correct their mistake and, subsequent to that, shouldn”t I then submit an amended tax-return to the IRS while there”s still time?
Get with your tax advisor / CPA about the amended tax return. Talk with the insurance company about the code for your 1099-R, and keep going up the chain until you get to someone with enough experience and “horsepower” to make something happen. If this fails then use Form 5329 to explain the exception.Some particulars about our situation:- Annuity contract has NOT been annuitized.- Wife has NOT reached age 59 1/2 yet.- Even though the SEPP has been going for several years, we are still withdrawing the ”profit” part of the annuity – – i.e., all of the SEPP payments have NOT lowered the account balance to equal or lower than the initial amount originally invested yet, and probably won”t for the foreseeable future (unless the market completely toiletizes, which is always a possibility).
With this additional information it sounds like all of your wife”s distributions are taxable as ordinary income. Here again, check with your tax advisor.On the several occasions I have had where it was necessary to talk to the Insurance co. on the phone, I could never find anybody who was reassuring enough to satisfy me that they knew more about the tax code than I did, unfortunately. In particular, nonqualified annuities seem to be relegated to a particular tax hell – – regular ”qualified” annuities are confusing enogh, but it”s even more so with non-qualified types (at least that”s the way it seems to me).
It”s possible the people at the insurance company do know as much or more than you about the tax aspects of your situation, but since they are not in the tax business, and since their liability (E&O) insurance doesn”t cover giving tax advise, they will give you a “shrugged shoulder” response. Don”t get mad at them because you are asking questions they are not in any position to answer for you. Once you understand the nuiances of Qualified and Non-qualified annuities, it”s really pretty straight forward … not necessarily the clearest but not really conflicting.Again, a million thanks for the invaluable input and insight. I can”t tell you how much I appreciate it……….Best regardsBoyd 9
Good luck. Jim2006-05-09 15:23, By: Jim, IP: []
L2: Taxable Amount Not DeterminedJim,
I appreciate your patience on this issue. Obviously, due to ambiguous IRS Pubs and even parts of Sec 72 of the IRS code, I have been swimming uphill against industry practices, which concur with your opinion and that of Gfw.
With some more research, I have come to the conclusion that the crux of this issue boils down to the definition of “annuity” for purposes of being able to apply the exclusion ratio. It seems that the “annuity” must be an irrevocable agreement with the insurer to periodically pay out the actuarial value of the contract which of course varies per the options (life, term certain, fixed term etc.). These other distribution patterns including SEPPs are not irrevocable and can be aborted at any time. So it turns out that the”periodic” vrs non periodic nature of the payment stream is immaterial, since you could get periodic payments for several years under a SEPP or a systematic withdrawal, and the earnings would still be taxed first.
In other words, being paid as an annuity does not get you the exclusion ratio, apparently because you are not contractually bound to the insurer to complete the payout, as the payout pattern is revocable by the annuitant.
For Boyd, this issue is more than a technical analysis of the code, because he is looking a acceleration of taxes vrs deferring them to well after the SEPP has terminated. Unfortuneately, if he knows the investment amount in the contract including the original 1035, and what has previously been paid out and taxed, he could easily determine how much remains to be fully taxed before the payments become return of investment. As such, probably no point in debating the issue further with the insurer. The matter of penalty can be handled with the 5329.
2006-05-09 18:01, By: Alan S., IP: []
L2: Taxable Amount Not Determined To quote the computer from ”2001 A Space Odyssey” – – – Dave, I think my mind is going!!!OK, let me see if I”ve got this straight…….1) Since my wife is taking income from an annuity (i.e., making w/d”s from an annuity that has NOT been annuitized yet), even tho” those w/d”s are in the form of a series of substantially equal periodic payments, the rules from publication 575 apply (and NOT those from pub 939) when figuring the taxable amount of the w/d”s because the annuity has NOT BEEN ANNUITIZED YET……..2) The insurance co. was (certainly/very likely/possibly) wrong to check the box in 2b, ”taxable amount not determined,” because this is primarily only for those contracts that HAVE BEEN annuitized, and my wife”s has NOT.3) OK, now onto IRS form 5329. Now, let me see if I”ve got this right. The reason my wife doesn”t owe the 10% penalty on her early w/d”s is because she”s making a series of substantially equal periodic payments according to IRS regs and rules, and the issue of whether the contract has or has not been annuitized yet doesn”t really matter as far as form 5329 is concerned……….Do I have this right so far??? (Just checking)……Now, to quote Alan S.Unfortuneately, if he knows the investment amount in the contract including the original 1035, and what has previously been paid out and taxed, he could easily determine how much remains to be fully taxed before the payments become return of investment. As such, probably no point in debating the issue further with the insurer. The matter of penalty can be handled with the 5329.Yes, I have all this info at my fingertips. I am a packrat by nature and have a record of EVERY transaction that ever took place, since day 1 back in 1992. Not only that, in order to track our investment returns, I entered EVERY transaction into Quicken as well (and still do to this day).Does this also mean that IF a mistake was made by the insurance co., that I only need file the info on next year”s form 5329 instead of having to file 2 amended returns? I would, of course, vastly prefer the former to the latter………Again, I can”t thank all involved in this discussion enough, you”ve been a tremendous help!Boyd 9P.S. A Million thanks also, for making this site accessible (I”m using Firefox) to Mac users finally!!!2006-05-09 21:46, By: Boyd 9, IP: []
L2: Taxable Amount Not DeterminedBoyd,
Yes, your summary agrees with what I think is the consensus, including my losing a little more respect for IRS publications in the process. Jim will probably post if I am overlooking something.
Not totally sure I follow your last comment about amended returns. Is this because you may have included an incorrect of taxable income in a prior year? Remember, that the taxable income amount has nothing to do with the validity of the SEPP plan or the penalty waiver you will apparently need to claim on a 5329 every year that the 1099R comes out with a “1” code in Box 7. Once they start using a 1, you will probably have to use the 5329 every year the SEPP is maintained.
As for the full taxation, at least it”s not double taxation. Eventually she will have been taxed on all the investment income in the annuity, and after that happens, further distributions will be tax free except for new gains that may accrue each year. Good luck.
2006-05-09 23:19, By: Alan S., IP: []
L2: Taxable Amount Not DeterminedAlan & Boyd, I think you both have got it now, and I appreciate having this discussion with you. I think we have laid out some issues which confound and perplex a large number of people, even those in the business. Let me toss out a few final thoughts and an example.
According to Webster”s Dictionary, “annuity” means “an amount payable annually.” Of course you can split this up into monthly, quarterly, etc. If you have a sum of money and exchange it with an insurance company for an “immediate annuity” orthe “amount payable annually,” you irrevocably lose control of the money in exchange for a stream of income with a particular “annuity settlement option” discussed earlier. With this arrangement, since the money will have some nominal growth, each annual payment will include a portion of growth and a portion of “return of premium.” The “return of premium” portion is the part that is tax-free and the insurance company determines the amount by using the “exclusion ratio” in their calculations. So you would expect to get a Form 1099-Rindicating “Total Distribution Amount” and “Taxable Amount.”
Most folks havea “Deferred Annuity” wherebythey are taking systematic withdrawals,and Boyd your wife is in this category. The 72(q) / SEPP simply gets her out of the 10% early withdrawal penalty, so I won”t address that aspect anymore. Sincewithdrawals from a deferred annuity areNOT irrevocable, it is not an “annuity” by the definition above, and all income distributions above the cost basis is taxable as ordinary income.
Now for my example. Assume Boyd”s wife invested $100,000 into a deferred annuity in 1992,it grew to $250,000 in 1999 and thenshe did the 1035 exchange to another company”s deferred annuity. In 2001 she started the SEPP distributions FROM THE ANNUITYbut not “as an annuity.” Since the contract was issued afterAugust 14, 1982, then by IRS rule,andmost probablydriven by Congressional Statute,all distributions are considered income until she begins distributingfrom the original $100,000 investment which is her “cost basis.”
Boyd, you have told us the value of her contract is and has always beengreater than her original investment, so the distributions are ordinary income. If you have excluded any of her distributions from income in the past then I think you might need to start amending returns. But this is a tax question and that”s not my specialty so I can”t make a definite determination. Please see your tax advisor / CPA / EA / Tax Attorney as applicable.
Jim2006-05-10 08:55, By: Jim, IP: []
L2: Taxable Amount Not Determined JimI think you”ve hit the nail on the head, esp in re your last comment.The insurance co.”s (seemingly erroneous) decision to check box 2b got me started down a path of errors in terms of figuring the taxable amount for the IRS – – when it now seems, with the benefit of hindsight and this most valuable discussion forum – – that never should”ve needed figuring to begin with.I would rather have my teeth drilled by Ray Charles than get into amending tax returns, but, it looks like that is what the correct thing to do is from where things stand right now.Perhaps the first step will be to present a copy of this discussion to the insurance co. and ask them to prepare some amended 1099-R”s.Many, many thanks for giving me the opportunity to discuss some of the questions and problems that have been bugging me……. if not for this forum, I doubt I would have ever gotten to the bottom of it…….Best regardsBoyd 92006-05-10 21:30, By: Boyd 9, IP: []