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timing of 72T distributions

L1: timing of 72T distributionsIs it correct to assume that the timing of when monthly withdrawals are made is not improtant as long as the total withdrawals are the same for the calender year? For example, if someone has a 72t distribution amount of $12,000 per year, does it matter if one year he receives $1,000/mo. for 12 months and the next he recieves one distirbution in December for the full $12,000? thanks.2006-01-31 13:14, By: Brandon, IP: []
L2: timing of 72T distributionsOnly the annual amount is important. You could take 11,000 in January and 1,000 the following November – in yoyur example, it just needs to add up to 12,000 between 1/1 and 12/31. 2006-01-31 15:37, By: Gfw, IP: []

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